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I believe so, and it could become a much bigger problem if you don't deal with it from the beginning. Being in a "comfortable" environment, where there is no stress, no worries, you get to feel good and we reach the point of conformism, we run out of motivation and we no longer think about the consequences of our actions because we conform. Getting out of that can be very difficult, especially if you do not have the necessary self-discipline and motivation to make any change in you. I say this because it happened to me, it was difficult to get the necessary motivation, being self-disciplined was also difficult. Working on that and being more organized with everything, helped me a lot, and I still think I need more. So that's why I think it's a big problem to be someone who procrastinates a lot.

In my opinion, I think being a procrastinator is a serious problem because a THESE PEOPLE always leave everything to do later. From my point of view, a procrastinator is a disorganized person because he / she doesn't have a to do - list and he / she always does the things at the end. For example, in my family my uncle is a procrastinator, he always does the things late. If he receives a bill today, he will pay it the next week. Another example is when I had an important math homework and I didn't care to do it one day before sendING it to my teacher. I remember and I did it wrong. From THAT day I always organize my time. I find being in the middle it’s okay, but actually being well organized or having a to - do list is better because we get more things done and have free time to do our favorite things. Carolina Sosa Torres.

I think is a very serious problem since it harms certain activities that we plan.

For example, when they owe you money and they agree to pay you on a specific date and it tires you out that is something harmful.


NAME:Sofia Vaca

I think it's a bit difficult, for example to make important decisions is not a good thing. In my opinion and in my own experience it is difficult because you always doubt everything and when you are buying something I CAN'T decide and I end up without buying anything and it's a bit frustrating for me


Victor Ochoa Quiroga

In my opinion IT could bring a lot of problemS because when people GET nervous ABOUT DOING any activity, THEY always do IT WHEN THEY are in hurry and THE RESULT IS BAD or THEY GIVE a bad presentation in THEIR homework. THIs IS WHY BEING A procrastinator is not a good idea for anything. For example when I was A student, I was always a procrastinator because I did my homework late and I presented bad workS and I never organized MYSELF TO DO my homework AT the school but NOW I organize MYSELF TO DO any activity on time and never LEAVE IT FOR THE LAST MOMENT.

NAME: Sandra Díaz

From my experience, I think being a procrastinator is a serious problem.

For example, last year I had to present a homework about chemistry and I left IT and DIDN'T care about it because I was thinking it WOULD be easy but when I had one day to complete it, I WAS SHOCKED at that moment SINCEC I HAD never SEEN in my life so many exercises to complete. From that day I never left my homework at the end. I prefer to do it early. And that's why I think being a procrastinator is bad for your life SINCE IT only HAS disadvantages.

I think that being a procrastinator is a serious problem because you can´t do the things you have planned on time, you are not prepared for anything, when you do AN activitY you want you Won´t know if everything will be correct at time it happened. I consider that people who are procrastinators are very relaxed before doing something but when they have the need to do it, they feel nervous but if you have everything organized you don´t feel nervous about a little thing because you know that everything is in order.

Becoming a procrastinator is a serious problem over time because you´ll not know how to organize future plans such as going to university or doing homework of school and a simple thing THAT can happen.

(Gonzalo Ramiro Martinez C.)

I believe that procRastination is a serious problem, there are many levels of procRastination, but the THE WORST, because it brings many problems in personal and professional life. It makes people see you as irresponsible and immature because you don't do what you should do on time, it is very different that you are burdened with many things that you know you are not able to control but you still accept, or sometimes you procrastinate because you over demanded too much. In my personal experience, this brought me many problems in school, since I study at home, I have to set my own schedule but I get very stressed, and I don't know how to organize myself well, so I accumulate a lot of homework and then I have to work so hard that I overexert myself and the next semester I don't have the energy or the strength to study.


(Sofia Viveros)


Do you think being a procrastinator is a serious problem?

Write a 100-word paragraph about it. Provide examples from personal experiences.

Ad2.1.2-Unit 3