How a person becomeS a risk-taker... I think that when a person becomes a risk-taker it's when a person finally stops being afraid and overthinking things; a more commoN example (at least for me) could be the "bad guys" in class, those who disobey and talk back TO the teacher. I think tHey are a negative example, and I put them as aN example because unfortunately my classmate is just like that and it seems that he enjoys beiNg punished.
When a person becomeS a risk-taker, the person loseS the fear but fear makes people analyze the situation and activates their SURVIVAL instinct, so we can say that fear influences if a person is a risk-taker or a risk avoider, for example, a risk-avoider will overthink every situation analyzing if iTr will be dangerous or not, they prefer to be safe but this doesN't mean that risk-takers aren't afraid ,of course they are but their need to feel adrenaline is stronger, that is why in the lisTening we hearD that a big T or a risk-taker are more expoSed to accidents, and that's all I search in internet for information but i didn't find something interesting UnU
(sorry if it's longe i got exited xd and sorry i couldn't use much adverbs :'3)
Andrea Salazar -3-