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I think that people today eat less healthy food than before because food was not processed before, but today most foods are processed.

Even though there are healthy options to eat, most people opt for fast and less healthy food.

Even though there is more information available about healthy eating, it seems that people are choosing less nutritious options than before. This could be because of the easy access to fast food and processed snacks, which are often cheap and convenient. Unless individuals prioritize their well being and make conscious choices, unhealthy eating habits may persist. Since taste and convenience play a significant role in food choices, healthier options are sometimes overlooked. Although some individuals are making positive changes, there is still a need for broader awareness and education to encourage healthier eating habits.

I believe that people no longer have good habits like before, now they prefer to buy or order fast food because it is easier and it saves time. Although it is a bad decision, there are also many people who lead a healthy life, exercise. , eat healthy food and take care of THEIR health. Even if it is difficult, it is good to do it. Unless you do not have these habits, it may have consequences in the future. If you do not want to have consequences, you must carry out these habits. There are healthier dishes we can think of something easy and balanced, and if we don't have time we can prepare our food at a time when we have time. Despite that junk food is not prohibited because it is also delicious, we cannot forget to keep a balance. If you cannot maintain this balance, you must understand that it is necessary and see the advantages of eating healthy, to take care of your health and live much longer. Exercise is also important, I know people who, despite not having time, exercise when they have time and take care of their diet. Drinking fluids like water is also important because this way you stay hydrated and have more energy.

Erika Pedraza.

I think we have a problem in our world and country. Before we gave importance to the table. We used to grow our vegetables and fruits. We used to eat healthy and fresh meals. But... Now we are in a hurry. Isn't it important that we eat?

-It's important, even if we don't care. Why is it important?.

Because it improves your health. If we cook our food and are not dependent on canned and frozen foods, we will have a better lifestyle and live longer.

I can speak from my brother's experience. He used to eat fast or fatty foods. It's delicious and easy to do and we like to eat it even though it's dangerous. Since he avoids foods with a lot of oil and eats more vegetables, he looks better and is not tired.

He actually looks happier than before. So... If you want a better lifestyle, you have to improve your eating habits. You have to drink water, eat vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs... And have a balanced diet unless you want to get sick and tired.

In summary We must give importance to what we eat unless we want a sick and weak society. Instead, we have to eat better (like we used to) if we want a happier and healthier country.

Today most people don’t change their eating habits despite having health problems, but that is wrong, since everyone should be aware of their body and follow a diet. Although it is not easy, since you must put a lot of EFFORT, in addition to following a diet or eating healthy, you must increase the sport in your life. It will always be difficult at first, BUT when you START a routine, your body gets used to it.

Nowadays it is seen, many people are obese because the bad diet that exists today influences too much, they go to the easiest and richest that is junk food, but that is wrong since it contains a lot of fat that makes you gain weight. Another thing that damages our health is Coca Cola, it is an addictive soft drink, but it is not good because it contains a lot of sugar and is harmful.

My advice to have good health is to be aware and look for the best options for our health, although it is not easy, but by MAKING IT A routine everything is possible

Favio Alvarez


It is unlikely that people will maintain healthy eating habits unless they have access to fresh and nutritious food. Given the rise of fast food and processed food options, people often consume foods that are not good for their health. For instance, if healthy food options are not easily accessible, people end up making poor food choices. Furthermore, the high cost of healthy food options is a major barrier to healthy eating, especially for people from lower income backgrounds. However, many people are also becoming more aware of the importance of a healthy and balanced diet because of educational and promotional campaigns. If people are educated about the benefits of healthy foods, they are more likely to make healthy food choices. At the same time, cooking, eating, and sharing food should be valued more highly as a part of a positive food culture. Therefore, the government and other organizations must make efforts to promote and implement policies that support healthy eating habits.


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