(Aldrin López)
I think people eat less healthy food nowadays because before there were not as many junk foods as it is nowadays. Although there are also a variety of people who eat healthy since it became very viral to become fitness this 2023, we all know that people who eat healthier foods are more likely to grow, have more energy and suffer less infections. We can observe that nowadays people are fatter than before.
For example:
-Today the use of genetically modified foods is widely used for food, although they are not recommended for health.
-In the past, freshly harvested products were consumed while nowadays different preservation methods are used to ensure that products imported from far away reach home in good conditions.
-The means of food preservation at that time were not as safe as they are today. There were no refrigerators. This led to the proliferation of bacteria and, therefore, health was at greater risk.
-In the past, food was not very varied.
-Now children have very high levels of overweight and obesity. We are seeing problems of fatty livers and high cholesterol that we used to see only in adults.