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Name: Deybi Bejarano Soliz

Ok, this topic is very interesting and important.

Some people have difficultY to talk about this topic because it is so problematic, double standards, sexist and old- fashioned.

Double standards are something that most people have done.

Some people have double standards with men and women, they think that a man has more capacity than a woman, a thought that is incorrect because both genders are equal and have the same capacities.

Sexism is one of the most discussed topics in the world.

Sexism can be for men and women.

Some men discriminate against other men just for not playing sports, or not being strong, for being sentimental.

There are some people THAT think the modern fashion isn't as good as the old fashion, and there are other people think the old fashion isn't as good as the modern fashion.

I think that everything depends on tastes, some people prefer the old fashion, and that's fine, other people just have to respect the opinions and tastes of other people.

Name:Sofia Gutierrez


I think that the double standard has to be the same for both men and women that eveyone should have equal rights,because for both genders it has to be equal because each one has the same indepent right.

if you can be sexist talking about men because is it not only sexist talking about women,since for men they have socially directed beliefs and demands that are imposed on what a man should be like for example they assume that men can only play soccer or basketball and not other activities.

I believe that each person chooses what she or he wants to think whether old fashioned or modern ideas are better because they don't expand our minds, they also let us be little more liberal than the old-fashioned ones but also people are free to believe in what they want.

Nicole Montoya



In my opinion, I think that if as in the physical part because men have more strength I am not saying that women do not have strength but that the bodies are different. The mEn's body is usually larger, with greater muscle strength and less flexibility compared to the womEn's body which is usually smaller, with less muscle strength and greater flexibility. Then I think men and women deserve the same treatment. Sexism is something that both men and women suffer because men are asked to be strong, not to show emotions and playing soccer is something that not all men like and women are asked to be delicate, to play dolls. Sometimes people ask you to be something you are not and people can get angry for not being the way they want you to be.

I think that the old-fashioned ideas are worse than the modern ones because before things happened that today is a crime, before in the schools the teachers beat the students for being late something that is not done in the modern era, something that was also old-fashioned was that homosexuals were not accepted by people because it was considered a sin. Something that I do not understand because they saw it as something bad.

Name: Emily Rodríguez.

I firmly believe that double standards for men and women are never justifiable. Sexism sustains gender inequality and makes it difficult to improve for a more equitable society. People can be very sexist when talking about men and

women because sexism is an attitude or behavior with tendencies that come from preconceived thoughts about gender roles and capacities, generally the most affected are women but sexism has no gender boundaries. It is important to recognize and confront these trends in order to achieve true equality.

When comparing ancient and modern ideas, it is not a question of comparing one as universally better or worse. Some thoughts and traditional attitudes may have value, but many have their origins in discrimination and inequalities, these must be discarded.

Modern ideas often have a more inclusive and informed perspective, although they must also be critically evaluated. It's about having the best of both worlds, so we have a diverse approach that respects our history and at the same time embraces the principles of justice, respect and progress.

Victoria Añez

Having a double standard for men and women can perpetuate inequality. Fairness and equal treatment are essential for a FAIR society, so it's generally not considered acceptable to have double standards based on gender.


People can be sexist when they talk about both men and women. Sexism involves discriminatory attitudes or behaviors based on gender. It's not limited to one gender, and both men and women can experience its effects.


The value of old-fashioned vs. modern ideas depends on the context. While some old-fashioned ideas might offer wisdom and tradition, they can also perpetuate outdated norms. Modern ideas can bring innovation but may need refinement. It's important to evaluate ideas based on their merits rather than their age.

Andrés Jaramillo

I believe that there should not be a double standard regarding genders and that we should seek gender equality, but in some cases I believe that it does work like in sports since women play only with each other and men play only with each other since biologically men are stronger than a woman so making them compete in physical competitions is a bit unfair. Also women are more agile and flexible than men, 'CHAUVINISM' generally refers to attitudes or behaviors that oppress a woman, but sometimes they oppress emotions of some men since they are raised with the idea that men do not cry. I think that both ideas have their good and bad points, before they had much more respect you did the teacher and parents for example but now e. Some places don't respect them anymore, but before women were repressed a lot to the point that they couldn't even study but now women have many opportunities.


I think it is not ok because men and women have the same rights and the two can do the same things. If women can Cook, men CAN DO IT too and the same with playING soccer, basketball and other things. There are things that we think are only for men but it's wrong because women can also do this.

People can be sexist with the two genres because each person has their liking and nothing is wrong with that.

I think the old-fashioned and modern ideas are good because each has their style such AS the old has good and Bad things, the modern also has good and Bad things. THIS IS more about likes, and i think if You more like the new things or old things THAT'S ok because the two Styles are very good, but if You don't like one of the two, nothing is wrong.

Nahuel Fernández Forte

On the one hand, I think IT is important to see both as equals. On the other hand, sometimes IT is necessary to separate them both, like in a dance or in a social event. Men and women are equal in rights, but it’s a fact that they are different in several aspects. Even though men are usually more sexist, women can be toO. A MAn can be discriminated by women in some places, events and situations, like a slumber party, in some feminist march…

Talking about old-fashioned and modern ideas, it depends on each person, an old person would like modern ideas. However, modern people wouldn’t. On the one hand, I like the modern ideas, they are a cool and interesting fashion. On the other hand, I prefer the old-ones, for me the old-fashioned IS more comfortable and warmer. Although young people prefer the modern, I prefer the old fashion.

Alejo Fernández Forte


On the one hand, I think the standard for men and women should be the same. On the other hand they can have different skills for the anatomy they have. They can do the same things independently of the gender of which one because they are both humans and they can have the same skills in the same things. The people can be sexist talking about men, not only womEn. A lot of people think that men have to play soccer, or like the color blue, and more things. Also, a lot of people think that the men have to be

gentlemanly, they have to have a lot of money, have a house, and have a car.

To know about which idea is better, the old-fashioned or the modern, each person chooseS what they think. It's very subjective. Some people think that the old-fashioned idea is better, other people think that it's worse, and all of them have their reasons to each decision.

150 words about

Is it sometimes OK to have a double standard for men and women?

Can people be sexist when they talk about men, or only about women?

Are old-fashioned ideas usually better or worse than modern ideas?

adults 1.3.5 - unit 10