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Name: Leonardo Lopez


The internet has many benefits which are: Speed and access to multiple contents. The Internet allows you to access information quickly and diversely, from anywhere and on any device.

Communication and dissemination of own content. The Internet facilitates communication between individuals, groups and institutions, and allows for the sharing and expression of ideas, opinions and knowledge.

Generation of new jobs. The Internet offers new job and opportunities.

Enables collaboration between people

Not only does the Internet allow access to information or communication, but it also provides a framework in which different people can collaborate to achieve a certain goal. Increase options and pathways for learning

Beyond the mere search for information, networks have also allowed the generation of new ways or alternative methods for learning.


 Use of Personal Data for Unknown Purposes

Most of the apps we use on a daily basis ask for a lot of data. Online Harassment

One of the disadvantages of the internet that has become more apparent in recent years is online harassment, or cyberbullying. Fake News

Fake news is information that has been manipulated, distorted and even invented for a specific purpose.


With the use of the internet, it has become very easy to create


paragraph 1

-the internet have dvantages for example you have a facility for comunication with your friends, family or also you can use for work also you have access to internet for find more information them you have easy access to aplication also you could have posibility to be localizated in case the emergency or have segurity and comfort.

But they also have Desvantages for example you could lack of privacy or maybe you could have health issues relacioned with use much time the internet also you could segurity theft for other people or one hacker that want invade your privacity or information also you could have dependence emotional for devices or the social media on the internet also exist more information fake that is not real and lie the people almost always some pages give fake infomation to people also there are much desvantages for example cybercrime or also like identity theft that is common hear these, them other factor commun to hear nowadays is the cyberbullying and hacking also distraction, like time wasted on social media and other unproductive sites or maybe there is misinformation, since anyone can post false or misleading information on the internet,isolation, since people may prefer to spend time online rather than in person also you could have privacy issues, since our personal information can be exposed or used without our knowledge another of the most talked about topics is the addiction, since the internet can be addictive and it's easy to get sucked into spending too much time online.

Name: Esteban Albornoz

The benefits and problems of the internet. Internet turned in a very useful tool at the moment and in part of our lyfes because we almost do all with internet and it can be positive or negative. Since how I said almost all the important things need the internet like: Keep in touch easily and in many ways with persons like interaction on social networks, which also allow communicating, exchanging files, making proposals, calling meetings, organizing events, exchanging ideas, sharing friendships, meeting new friends, get informated about news around all the world and specially about your zone, get very extensive offer of educational and recreational programs adapted to all ages and conditions, also internet give entertainment for people that can be a good way to spend time but no excessively. All of these things are benefits but internet has many problems, too like: Privacy issues. children don't know how to manage privacy on the internet well so it is important to becareful. Internet can create adictions and when people feel it them feel like they always need internet and it's very dangerous to the mental and physical healthy. So in conclussion internet can be dangerous if you don't know how to use it

The benefits of the Internet are too many since, in today's life we use it for everything, and it also has too many benefits which are access to information, with which we can communicate with anyone at the moment, also that the Internet gives us a lot of information of the one we want, whether by searching on any website, it is still very useful for virtual education, which helps us a lot, it can also be social networks that now have too many problems that are for example in cyber bullying, which is an issue. very delicate that it comes to many people in very bad ways, for example, celebrities and influencers are the ones who receive the most this type of bullying that has caused them many problems and until now no one can stop it or solve it, also something that is very normal It is the theft of personal data, which they use to do very bad things to the image of another person, there is also spam which is something that bothers many of us because they only fill us with messages that do not interest us, also something that It is something too normal and in many cases what happens is addictions that cause social isolation, anxiety and many other things that are very serious.




The Internet is a global network of computers whose purpose is to allow the exchange of information and has many advantages like as: abundance of information, online services like as payment for services, work from home, communication between people who are in different places, learning of skills based on easily available information, another advantage is that the Internet allows the rapid dissemination of its own content such as investigations, reports, reports, etc. but the internet also has disadvantages such as cybercrime that creates viruses that allow people's personal information to be accessed without permission, dependence on the internet can be a disadvantage because if devices lose connection to Internet, important tasks can be interrupted, the exposure of privacy is also a disadvantage because the most of people can be extorted by hackers, the ease of sharing information over the Internet also generates that there is little veracity in the information that circulates on the Internet, certain easily accessible content like

 games or applications can generate addiction in users, also the internet limits face-to-face communication.Finally, the internet is an advantageous tool only if it is used carefully.

Name: Doris Chiri Orihuela



First of all, I can say that,The Internet is a network of computers interconnected worldwide. The internet provide us information to all people who are connected to each other through cellphone, computers, tablets and others.

Information is available 24 hours a day but you have to pay fot it. Everybody in the world have the access to the internet, but you have to have a cellphone, computer or a tablet to use it. The Internet does not belong to anyone, so we can use when we want. The internet is use to. the internet is very usefull for education, business, and others, but there are people that use it for bad things. Anyone can put information on the Internet, that is the reason why we have to take care about believe or not the information.In our country Bolivia there are no regulations to limit Internet use, and it is the reason why we listen a lot of complaints in the televisions about cyber bullying or scams.

in conclusion the internet is good but we can take care about the use of it.

The benefits are many, such as purchases through the internet, distance calls with which you can call your friends, family in general any people who are far away, you can also inform you, but the disadventages are many more, for example, meeting people is not bad but sometimes the people lie and they may be other people or not be what they say, also account thefts, hacks, fake applications, fakeaccounts, scams and more. There are many things to take into account on the internet, because not everything is real.

Adriano Fernandez



adults 1.3.5 - unit 10 nov2023