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Name: Emily Rodríguez.

Advantages of the internet.-

The Internet allows instant communication, access to a large amount of information, global communication, online shopping, thousands of job opportunities, entertainment and streaming options, social networks, the means to learn new things by helping our education and easy exchange of ideas. It helps us with research, online user help and learning. It enables online banking, e-commerce, and digital transactions. It provides a platform for creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. It improves productivity and efficiency in various fields. It offers many tools that help us day after day. It revolutionizes the way we connect, learn, work and live. The internet has many advantages.

Disadvantages of the internet.-

The Internet also has its disadvantages. It can fill us with a lot of information, making it difficult to separate the real news from the fake ONES. Our privacy is put at risk from theft and surveillance. Cyberbullying and bullying are online and cause emotional damage. Addiction to social networks and games affects mental well-being. Scams and fraud put our financial security at risk. Disinformation spreads easily, causing us to not trust reliable sources. Hackers use the Internet to attack people who don't know much about the subject. Excessive screen time leads to sedentary lifestyles and physical health problems. We have to be very vigilant while surfing the internet because of the potential dangers of IT.

Name: Nahuel Fernández Forte

Advantages and disadvantages of the internet.


The internet has a lot of advantages, for example, with the internet you can investigate on many websites, WHICH DIDN'T USED TO BE like THAT in the past SINCE the people had to go to a library. With internet, people can see movies, videos, use social networks like X, Facebook or Instagram. You can play online games ON THE internet (Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft…), the online games are a very important part of the routine of many people, not like in the past when people had to use an extra wire to play with friends like in the game boy advance and old Nintendo consoles.


But the internet also has a lot of disadvantages. First, the internet is a very dangerous place, you can be a victim of people with bad intentions. They can steal your information if you enter to insecure places. The internet is the house of the digital virus, a virus can be a ransomware, a malware, a trojan, a spyware, etc. They can hurt your pc, your smartphone or your tablet in many different ways, like encrypt your files, delete your information, steal your bank information, OR EVEN make your pc useless...

Alejo Fernández Forte


The Advantages And Disavantages of the internet


The Internet is very neceSsary on our liVes. The internet was created IN 1969, and it was a big change in the history.


The internet has a lot of advantages, a lot of people use it FOR work, it can be used to listen to music, to play videogames, to watch videos and even to watch tutorials like to how to play an instrument. The internet is easy to use, funny, and is comfortable. People can enjoy using it.


It sounds great, but unfortunately, there are a lot of disadvantages ABOUT using it. Many people enjoy doing cYberbullying to someone who is "worse" than them. Also, if you aren't careful when you open e-mails, you can get a virus. There are some hackers on the internet, people who steal money from the banks, or steal information from other people. You have to be careful to avoid hackers and to protect your private information.




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