I think conventional medicine is a better option than homeopathy because, in my experience, conventional medicine works better for me. When my stomach hurts I take an antacid which makes me feel better, when I have an infection I take antibiotics, if I used homeopathic medicines I would go to the hospital for the infection in my body or when I have a headache I take a painkiller for the headache and if It doesn't work, I go to the doctor and that's why I discovered a cyst that I had 3 years ago. If I had tried homeopathy, it would have been very bad for me with a lot of pain. Fortunately, I used conventional medicine. I once tried a homeopathic medicine for stomach pain and I felt better in the next 20 minutes because of the placebo effect, but after that it didn't work and I felt worse. And I think homeopathic medicine has a billion parts of the medicine, how will that work in the body? I'm definitely not going to treat myself with homeopathy.

The acupuncture it's a traditionam Chinese form of medicine originaded five thousands years ago. Acupuncture needles are inserted at certain points on the body to relieve pain or restore health.
Herbal Therapy
This type or therapy use medicinal plants to cure or prevent a disease.
Herbal medicine often taken as teas or pills, has been practiced for thousands years in many cultures around the world.
Many conventional medicine were discovered by scientists studuing traditional uses of herbs for medical purpouses.
I think that the two treatments are effective but different studies show that the herbal therapy is better.

Actually the medicine has developed different with different methods, two notable types of medicine are: conventional medicine and traditional medicine... Both have a common goal, which is to safe the health of humans but they also have their differences like: conventional medicine is based on laboratory tests for example or surgery....they are based on treatments like: painkillers,cold tablets, anntihistamines,antibiotics,etc.Also surgery and therapies, and it is a type of medicine that uses prescription medicines for each ailment. For other side , there are traditional medicine that is based on cultural traditions and customs . It doesn't not use medicines or surgeryes, i think that this type of medicine is more healthy for us because in the past the humans without medicines had a long lifes.

Comparing between homeopathic and spiritual mhealing, I think that spiritual healing is in some cases better since medicines sometimes cause stomach or other discomfort.
In my experience I usually have a headache and when this happens I try not to take medications, and I try to sleep or relax a little if I have time, but when the pain is intense I take some medicines to calm my pain, but when the pain doesn't calm me, I take some medicines but I prefer not to because they make my stomach hurts, sometimes they make me feel nauseous, vomitng or tired, they even make me feel tired. Until now I didn't go to see any doctor to have me checked for the cause of the head pain.

The diference of spiritual healing and acupuncture are too big because spiritual healing is most like mental, the spiritual healing you need to concentrate your mind and your body, this medical treatment is good but for my personal experience it doesen't work for me, I try a lot of times but i cannot concentrate and it doesen't help me at all. My family says that it works but for me no.
Then for acupuncture is most traditional and effective. This medical treatment was originited in China over 5.000 years ago, for my personal experience I think I never try this medical treatment but my mom says yes I don't rememeber about that, I think it's most effective than spiritual healing.

In the contemporary world of medicine there are a lot of different treatments and each one is used by people that have different beliefs or simply ways to think and is produced by different situations like cultural, economic or for the utility or comfort. Based on this the clearest example is compare conventional medicine and spiritual medicine. These treatments are very different because in one hand we have conventional medicine that always is based on the scientific study of human body and illness so you will always know it’s safe to take it. In the other hand we have spiritual healing, this treatment uses only you. It means your mind and your body are working to solve it. I think it is why people use this treatment, but in my opinion is like have a blind faith. Comparing these points in my opinion conventional medicine is more useful or effective because it will give you a real solution that will work if it’s used correctly also you may see a doctor to give you a recommendation because they are experts. In conclusion I recommend use conventional medicine. Of course if you can.

1. Echinacea: It is a medicinal plant known for its immune system-boosting properties. It is used to prevent and treat colds, flu, and other respiratory tract infections.
2. Tea tree oil: It is derived from the leaves of the tea tree and is primarily used as a natural antiseptic. It has antimicrobial properties and is used to treat skin conditions such as acne, fungal infections, and insect bites.
3. Ginger: It is a root used in both cooking and traditional medicine. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to alleviate digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort.
4A natural medication is a therapeutic substance derived from natural sources, such as plants or minerals, that is used to prevent, alleviate, or treat health conditions without the use of synthetic chemicals or artificial ingredients.
5Lemon tea, also known as lemon herbal tea, is a beverage made by steeping lemon slices or lemon zest in hot water. It is often enjoyed for its refreshing taste and potential health benefits, including being a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants that support immune health and digestion.
sebastian daroca

1. Echinacea: It is a medicinal plant known for its immune system-boosting properties. It is used to prevent and treat colds, flu, and other respiratory tract infections.
2. Tea tree oil: It is derived from the leaves of the tea tree and is primarily used as a natural antiseptic. It has antimicrobial properties and is used to treat skin conditions such as acne, fungal infections, and insect bites.
3. Ginger: It is a root used in both cooking and traditional medicine. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to alleviate digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort.
4A natural medication is a therapeutic substance derived from natural sources, such as plants or minerals, that is used to prevent, alleviate, or treat health conditions without the use of synthetic chemicals or artificial ingredients.
sebastian daroca