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Name: Karla Camacho

The conventional medicine and The acupunture are two types of treatments. They are alike in some ways. Likewise they have some differences, can be:


- Both conventional medicine and acupuncture want to improve health.

-Acupuncture needs time to practice, and does conventional medicine too. because you have to know very well about the human body if you want to work easy.

-Both are treatments that were born a long time ago. because before, the most convenient way to help man with his health was sought.


-Conventional medicine focuses more on modern treatments, and always try to improve. while acupuncture focuses more on treatments based on vital energy (Qi) with the insertion of needles into specific points on the body.

-Traditional medicine uses pills, injections, among others. but acupuncture only uses needles


Conventional medicine relies on scientific research and evidence-based treatments, whereas homeopathy utilizes highly diluted substances that are believed to stimulate the body's self-healing abilities. Both systems acknowledge the importance of patient assessment and history taking to make informed decisions about treatment. Also, they share the goal of alleviating symptoms and improving overall well-being. Conventional medicine is widely accepted in the medical community and is supported by rigorous scientific studies. It often uses pharmaceutical drugs and surgical interventions to treat diseases. In contrast, homeopathy is considered alternative and lacks substantial scientific backing. Homeopathic remedies are extremely diluted, sometimes to the point of containing no active molecules, which raises questions about their efficacy. Likewise, while both systems may offer relief to some individuals, conventional medicine is generally preferred for serious or life-threatening conditions due to its proven effectiveness, whereas homeopathy is often seen as complementary or used for milder issues. In summary, both conventional medicine and homeopathy aim to promote health, but they differ in their approaches, scientific support, and suitability for various conditions.


Victoria Añez

Name:Sofia Gutiérrez

°Both herval medicine and homeopathy are somewhat similar in that each is based on the natural and the plants,and both are law cost remedies, both herbal medicine and homeopathy help you to cure you of a cold, cough, headache, also are natural remedies based on medicinal plants some have fragrances,however sometimes the herbal medicine and homeopathy won't have effect and sometimes it won't cure you and will have to intervene the conventional medicine, although also the herbal medicine and homeopathy are used for certain diseases that aren't serious because sometimes they don't have effect and you have to use other methods. Well but herbal medicine and homeopathy are good medicines and they aren't expensive and are accessible to all people.

Mariany Flores

Both homeopathy and herbal therapy are made from plants.

It is clear that most of their products contein a lot of herb, so, we can see that it does not represent a danger for people's health. However I consider that all the treatment we follow, we have also proceed with a lot of faith principally in God, because everybody is in his hands.

Many of the medications in conventional medicine are made of plants as well, but everybody knows that conventional medicine uses lots of chemicals in order to keep the medicines. We are conscious that in some moment, the use of conventional medicine would had side effects for our body. On the other hand we are conscious that conventional medicine is based on modern scientific research.

Taking about the treatments that we use with those different types of medicine, we can see that we do not know or we are not absolutly sure which one is the bether. However it is good to have a variety in the field of medicine.

Name: Emily Rodríguez

Herbal therapy and conventional medicine are similar because they both help in health and relieve symptoms in people. Both also give a proper diagnosis and treatment. Likewise, they share the common goal of improving patient well-being. However, there are significant differences between the two. Conventional medicine is based on scientifically proven drugs and surgical procedures, while herbal therapy uses natural remedies derived from plants, herbs and other natural sources. Conventional medicine often requires testing to ensure safety, while herbal remedies while herbal remedies don't always have scientific supported research. In contrast, herbal therapy often takes a holistic approach to health and is important not only to the symptoms but also to the causes and origins, while conventional medicine can sometimes focus solely on the symptoms.Herbal therapy is often based on traditional data and practices passed down from generation to generation, while conventional medicine is based on scientific research and modern medical advances. Both help and people can choose one or the other according to their preferences or specific health problem.

I think that these two therapies are natural and at the same time they can be effective, they just take time. In comparison, herbal therapy can be faster because you take tea or pills and this is milder than having surgery and they are not such strong medications. or painful, on the other hand meditation therapy can help you calm the body, the mind and can help you relax because there are still people who get sick from a lot of stress, nowadays there are even cardiac arrests due to stress so this therapy can help you to heal, people choose herbal treatment more since it is faster than spiritual treatment, but if you are sick many times due to stress, spiritual treatment can work. Personally, I use herbal therapy because when I am sick with my stomach or I drink mate That relieves me and many times it works when the illness is not that serious, my whole family still drinks chamomile tea or boldo mate.

Herbs have traditionally been used to treat a variety of conditions such as digestive problems, insomnia, anxiety and more, herbs tend to have fewer side effects and be gentler on the body.

and addresses overall well-being and balances body and mind.

Spiritual therapy helps people find peace, reducing stress can help physical and mental well-being by doing spiritual practices such as yoga, and spiritual therapy does not replace medical or psychological care when needed.


juliana zamora m.

Name: Nicole M.



Well, I think the cure options would be homeopathy and herbal therapy. Why?

Well, herbal therapy is similar to homeopathy because both are used to cure people or others consume them as vitamins. With herbs you can cure yourself by drinking tea while with homeopathy the part that stimulates the person's ability to heal is that it activates the sick organism to produce its own defenses to fight the disease. However, as they are similar, there are also differences.


Homeopathy is based on the preparation and consumption of remedies that are achieved by successive dissolutions that manage to reduce the concentration of the substance that produces the symptoms in people. Herbal therapy is based on the administration of whole plants or parts of plants that have traditionally been considered medicinal herbs. Also, homeopathic remedies are not always of plant origin and herbal therapy is. However, medicinal herbs can do something for you. Good to improve the state of health, but also bad, because there is a risk of side effects, intoxications, drug interactions and overdose. Herbal therapy remedies by consuming the whole plants or parts of them, the active ingredients are in much larger quantities. But this is not a positive thing in itself. And it is that unlike pharmacies we can not control the exact dosage.

Conventional medicine and spiritual health are two different approaches to addressing health and well-being. Conventional medicine is based on science, evidence and traditional medical treatments. It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and physical conditions using medications, surgery, and physical therapies. Its primary focus is healing the physical aspects of the body.

In contrast, spiritual health is based on the belief that the connection between body, mind and spirit is essential for complete health. It focuses on emotional and spiritual well-being, promoting inner peace, harmony and the pursuit of a meaningful life purpose. This may include practices such as meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and the pursuit of transcendence.

Both approaches have their own advantages and limitations. Conventional medicine is based on scientific evidence and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of many diseases. Spiritual health, on the other hand, can help reduce stress and promote quality of life, but it does not replace necessary medical treatments.

Ultimately, the choice between conventional medicine and spiritual health depends on individual needs and personal beliefs. Some people choose to combine both approaches to achieve a balance between physical and spiritual health.


Andrés Jaramillo

conventional medicine and herbal therapy. Both conventional medicine and herbal therapy are treatments made to help human beings in their health although they have differences. Herbal therapy mostly uses plants to make medicines, whereas medicine normally uses chemicals and other things. but they can also use some plants to make medicines, conventional medicine has many pills for different pains although some pills have a side effect they also work faster than herbal therapy, herbal therapy has medicines and treatments that have no side effects but take a while little more in taking effect than conventional medicine, there is one thing that always or at least it is the safest thing that when we break a bone or something like that we have to go with conventional medicine since they have to do an operation surgery and they will give us strong medications on the other hand if that will happen with herbal therapy I think it is possible to heal the bone but with much more effort since there will be strong medications but it can still be achieved. In conclusion if you are sick any of the treatments both conventional medicine and herbal therapy will help you a lot.

Name: Aneliz Quiroga


Most people have different ways to cure their ailments, some can go to the doctor, others self-medicate or also use alternative ways.

There are several differences between some forms of remedies from conventional medicine, for example:

Conventional medicine is scientifically proven and most of the time it is very effective while for example herbal therapy is taking tea or pills depending on the problem but also both have a certain relationship because conventional medicine was discovered by scientists who studied the uses of medicinal herbs for medical purposes

Although it may be strange to hear, 80% of people use herbal therapy to cure their illnesses.


But it is usually more common to see people go to the hospital to have a medical check-up and then still have their herbs at home and do their remedies, sometimes they prefer to opt for both means.






These types of treatments were made for instant effect maybe two hours or three hours and relieve the pain in one way very satisfactory but not always the effect is very fast and is more longer than the usual but at final the objective is done in sometimes the person can be addictive to the treatment because in some cases the person can do the treatment without anything problem in she or he but it can be solved with psychologist help. These types of fast treatments are not equal because one can be more longer than other it depends of the person for example:


Both painkiller and antacid were made to relieve the pain.

Painkiller was made to help people and decongestant too.

Painkiller is similar to decongestant because they were made to help people with pain.

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