Name:Sofia Gutierrez
In my opinion, being a procrastinator can be a problem. Procrastination can affect a person's productivity, well being and overall success. While it is normal to procrastinate from time to time, chronic procrastination can have significant negative consequences. Procrastination can be a serious problem for people and affect their productivity, well being and overall success it can also cause stress, anxiety and feelings of guilt or shame. It can also result in missed deadlines, poor performance.
Procrastination can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of guilt or shame. It can also lead to missed deadlines, poor performance and lower quality work. Procrastination can hinder personal and professional growth by preventing people from reaching their full potential, as well as being a manifestation of problems such as low self esteem, fear of failure, perfectionism or difficulty managing emotions. Procrastination can also serve as a coping mechanism to avoid uncomfortable or challenging tasks, providing temporary relief but in the end you will be stressed, exacerbating the problem. some personal experiences could be when I was in exam week I couldn't organize myself well because I had left it to the last.