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Name:Sofia Gutierrez

In my opinion, being a procrastinator can be a problem. Procrastination can affect a person's productivity, well being and overall success. While it is normal to procrastinate from time to time, chronic procrastination can have significant negative consequences. Procrastination can be a serious problem for people and affect their productivity, well being and overall success it can also cause stress, anxiety and feelings of guilt or shame. It can also result in missed deadlines, poor performance.

Procrastination can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of guilt or shame. It can also lead to missed deadlines, poor performance and lower quality work. Procrastination can hinder personal and professional growth by preventing people from reaching their full potential, as well as being a manifestation of problems such as low self esteem, fear of failure, perfectionism or difficulty managing emotions. Procrastination can also serve as a coping mechanism to avoid uncomfortable or challenging tasks, providing temporary relief but in the end you will be stressed, exacerbating the problem. some personal experiences could be when I was in exam week I couldn't organize myself well because I had left it to the last.


Student's name: Deybi Bejarano


In my opinion, being a procrastinator is a big problem. You can have a lot of problems for don't do your activities at the right time.

 In my experience I had several problems for don't do my activities at the correct time, experientially with my school homework.

Last year I had a psychology assignment at school, I had to do a “Life Project", I had put off this homework for a long time.

I present that homework at the end of the month. I had tried to finish quickly, but it had been very difficult, because it was a homework that needed time.

That month I felt very tired and stressed, there were days when I didn't sleep.

This year I try not to postpone anything and do everything at the right time.

Name: Nicol Montoya


In my opinion, procrastinating is serious nowadays, procrastinating can happen more in students and they often use some phrases, for example: I'LL DO IT LATER OR TOMORROW

Leaving STH for tomorrow THAT can be done today, is bad for our mental health because we make our brain think about procrastinating all the time.

Personally, I think I have procrastinated because sometimes I don't listen to my alarm and at the last minute I wake up and I can't make my bed and I usually say that when I come back from school, I will make my bed or when I was playing with my friends and I remembered the homework and I thought I was going to do it later and at the end I did it at night and I thought why I didn't do it in the afternoon, or the time we were planning to get together with my friends to do a project and when we met we got to talking and then we realized it was already late so we got worried and did as much as we had time for. Sometimes I tend to lose things in my room but I say I'll look for it later if I don't have time, I find it but it's too late. I find that in the end people started to procrastinate because of the quarantine because there wasn't much to do. I believe that if we don't organize our life in time, we can have problems in life.

Rocio Colque Sola


In my opinion being a procastinator person is really harmful, It doesn't help to self growth.

Maybe now a days there are more procastinator people because of the facility to access to electrical appliances and of course the use of internet, tv shows, movies, series and diferents platafoms that keeps people distracted of what they really have to do.

I believe tecnology has been afected the way people think and act, losing a lot of values and being distracted people.

As I remember when I was just a kid, I used to play in the nature, with land, stones, water, etc.. Using a lot of imagination, creating a diferent game each time.

It makes me feel really sad when I remember about that, because I would like to be that litle girl who used to enjoy the simple things.

For me since now I'll start being well organized and focus on myself, definitely stop being a procastinator person.

Name: Emily Rodríguez

I think that being a procrastinator is something that brings you a lot of problems, especially with time and since I don't complete some activities because of that, in the mornings when I procrastinate I arrive a little late for all my activities and things go badly for me and I don't take advantage of all the time of the day as it should. However, sometimes I think that procrastination can be a good tool because the more pressure you have on writing or creating something you have better ideas and you are clearer about what the best decision is, but only on a few occasions. But procrastination almost always brings problems with others for not respecting your time or time of others. One time I prepared a lot to send an essay and since it was almost done I left the last details for the end and procrastinated those details, and I didn't have time to finish and I lost that opportunity to get a prize, that's why it's important to organize yourself.

It can be a serious problem depending on its impact. If procrastination causes delays in important tasks or commitments it can have negative consequences, not all of them are negative, sometimes it can be due to stress. It is important to recognize when this becomes harmful.

In my opinion, sometimes procrastination can cause stress because we leave everything at the last minute and we get used to it and then we don't want to do anything and we fall into it, even in some cases it causes depression, we waste our time sleeping watching cell phone, television and we don't take advantage of going out. outdoors or spend our time learning.

In my case that is horrible because for a time I WAS A PROCASTINATOR, I spent half a year doing nothing without doing any sports or activities, I became addicted to my cell phone, I stopped classes while sleeping because I SPENT TIME ON my cell phone all night, my grades got worse, I DIDN'T WANT TO DO HOMEWORK, or I ate a lot because I had anxiety, I gained a little weight and that made me sad and I didn't know how to get out of there because I was very lazy, until I needed help, motivation and to start enjoying the life of activities and not stop just sleeping.


In my opinion, being a procrastinator can indeed be a serious problem. I say this from personal experience. While procrastination may seem harmless initially, it often leads to a cascade of negative consequences. When I used to procrastinate, I found that tasks piled up, causing stress and anxiety. Deadlines became sources of dread, affecting my overall well-being. Moreover, the quality of my work suffered as I rushed to complete tasks at the last minute.

Procrastination can also hinder personal growth and success. It becomes a roadblock to achieving long-term goals, making it challenging to progress in both personal and professional life. Over time, it erodes self-esteem and confidence, making it even harder to break the cycle.

In conclusion, to me, procrastination is a serious issue that can have far-reaching implications on one's life. Recognizing and addressing this habit is crucial for personal development and overall happiness.


Victoria Añez

Andrés Jaramillo

I think that being a procrastinator is bad if you are a serious procrastinator since it can affect your different tasks and duties which can cause you to lose grades or even some work. I am a bit of a procrastinator but sometimes not so much because I do my tasks at the last minute and I do them poorly or not very well, although in the past I was a terrible procrastinator and that meant that I didn't have such good grades, so I think that it can be a problem. In addition, being a procrastinator not only affects you in work or family tasks. School can affect you in the most basic tasks such as washing clothes, cleaning the house or things like that, it affects you so it make you arrive late for your meetings and you make others wait.


If you are not a procrastinator, it will have a lot longer



you will be organized and you will be able to do your tasks with greater efficiency and it will not take you long to do tasks or homework since you are used to doing them on time. It depends on you if you want to be a procrastinator or not.

Nombre: Aneliz Quiroga Tejerina


In my opinion and my experience, sometimes it is not bad to be a procrastinator. Yes it is true that sometimes it is not convenient for me as a procrastinator if I postpone my tasks and activities too much and even a month in advance I end up doing everything a few hours before but in my case it is because I work better under pressure even though sometimes it gets out of hand and I have to finish everything in minutes but I prefer to enjoy my day and at night worry about work for tomorrow. Every procrastinator is like that, relaxing comes first and work goes later.

Of course, sometimes it may be that it is not postponing it, also most of the time we tend to forget what we had to do and we remember at the last minute.

I say all this based on my experience and cases that happened to me, but the truth is that I don't complain about being one, for me it's not bad or annoying.

There are times where at 11 o'clock at night I start doing my homework and at 1 o'clock in my ''break'' I end up falling asleep and I wake up an hour before going to school and I have to finish my homework in that short time but despite everything, I don't complain because I know myself and I'm used to it.

Alejo Fernández Forte

Procrastinating is when you have some things to do, but usually you wait for the last day or the last time to do those. In my opinion, being procrastinator is a problem depends on the person, for the people that like to procrastinate and aren't responsible it can be a very big problem, but for people who like to procrastinate and are responsible, it isn't a big problem. If you are not responsible, when you are going to do the work in the last time, you will probably don't know how to do it and you won't present your work on time, but if you are responsible, it probably can be easy. In my experience, I am a procrastinator, but I'm responsible, when I have to do homework in the last moment I can, I often do it very fast. Usually, I only procrastine for easy or medium tasks, but for difficult ones, I do them with time. For me being a procrastinator isn't a big problem because I always do my activities and I present those on time, and I have good grades.

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