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Name: Franco Garnica Ramirez


Globalization is considered the economic miracle of many countries, most of them, potential countries. However, this PROCESS has also A NEGATIVE SIDE in all the world.


Globalization was and is a big help for THE economic of many countries. The biggest, and powerful, also help us to communicate easily, share cultures, and have better relations.

ON the other hand, globalization is noT too good SINCE IT causeS pollution, for example, there is a lot of COMPETITION between brands in all the world, so they bring out a new cellphone, for INSTANCE, and many people want this and throw away their old cellphone. So then other COMPANIES or brandS do the same and AS A RESULT we are polluted with WHAT we considered "old things". The same with clothes( that is the most polluting currently), cars, appliances, etc.


So you could imagine how much we pollute our world, just for competition betwEen companies and brands. TO CONCLUDE, we can't stop big companies and branDs, our world is dying little by little THANKS TO globalization.

Joel Sunagua

In my opinion, globalization has helped a lot in the economic aspect because it has improved access to technological resources, causing a positive impact on the economy, on the educational and health systems in countries with unfavorable conditions.


Among the negative aspects may be that many people say that globalization makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, causing an imbalance in society or that globalization also causes the local culture to disappear.


To conclude, globalization seems good to me because it has more positive than negative points, such as greater technological advances, greater linguistics, wealth, or greater cooperation between countries.

As more countries develop, better opportunities will be, and the work will be easier because of the new technologies that can emerge. Besides, globalization cannot be stopped.


Thanks to globalization, it is possible to benefit from full markets around the world and have greater access to capital and technology, and benefit from cheaper imports and wider export markets.

Many people say the negative side of the globalization process is cultural uniformity and economic inequality. Cultural uniformity is one of the biggest problems of globalization because it forces to leave aside a part of the culture, and this cannot be changed, but my opinion is that through globalization it is possible to counteract a little the effect of inequality because the more income people have, better the quality of life.


So globalization is not such a serious problem only that it is a very abrupt transition to a new world.

Name: Rafael Gutiérrez Cuellar

According to an author globalization is creating a better world. However, I think that globalization is causing a negative effect WORLDWIDE, but we have to put up with it.


The author states that Globalization IS improving the economy in many countries, but not all countries benefit FROM that. There ARE others that ARE GOING THROUGH DIFFICULT TIMES.


Globalization also HAS more negative effects; it is causing that countries lose their traditions and use the ones that are more popular causing that every COUNTRY TO become similar.


In conclusion, many people may THINK that globalization is good because they live in countries that benefit FROM it, but in my opinion, globalization is causing a lot of problems.

adults 2.3.5 - unit 10