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My name is Lucas, I AM 12 old years, I live in Yacuiba, I speak Spanish and English. I'm AN OLNY CHILD, I do not have brothers OR SISTERS.


I like crafts, creating things. My big passion is robotic engineering. My favorite animal is dog and lion. In my free time I dedicate myself to making my plane.


My city is a great place to go to the pool, there are many places like the 'Inti' that is for fishing, 'Cokito' for swimming and the 'Cetrar' square. I usually check my computer after I do my plane

NAME:Camila Castro Muguértegui

My name is Camila Castro and I'm 13 years old. I live with my parents and my little brothers in Tarija, Bolivia. I'm in 2th grade at San Bernardo High SCHOOL. My favorite subjects are Music and MathS. I like books and listen to music and my big passion is dancING. My favorite book is "mi amigo imaginario". In my free time I sing and ride a bike. My town is a great place to take pictures, there are many places to take beautiful photos. I recommend the "los chorros de marquiri" you can go sightseeing and take very nice photos. I sometimes take pictures and go sightseeing.

Name: Mariana Choque Osorio

My name is Mariana Choque Osorio, I am thirteen years old I live WITH my parents in Bolivia Tarija. I am in 2th grade at T.O.F


I like the VIDEOGAMES and play basketball. My big passion is the swimming. My favorite band is One Direction and in my free time i like play WITH my friends or sleep.


My town is a great place to spend the day and have many musical bands. IT is a really good town and I recommend look the nature.


I usually go to play volleyball WITH my friends in front my school or sometimes play videogames.

Name; Maria Fernanda Colque León

1 my name is maria fernanda

   I'm 11 years old

   I live with my parents and my

   sister, maria jose and maria rene,

   in tarija

   I'm in 6th grade at La Salle

  Convenio 1. My favorite subjects

  are English, Math and Music

2 I like books, but my big pasión is intruments.

My favorite music is classic. In my free time I play volleyball

3 Tarija is a great place to live, there is nice weather I recommend visit Tarija

4 I often play volleyball with my sisters.

NAME: Cecilia Marcela Castellón Rosado

My name is Cecilia and I'm twelve years old. I live WITH my 2 aunts, my grandmother, my mom and my dad in Tarija city.

I'm in 6TH grade at La Salle school.

I love music, all the types but my favorite is hip hop.

My big passion are the instruments, but specially the violin.

My favorite singers are 50cent and Eminem, I really like their songs.

In my free time I hang out WITH my friends or I play games WITH my friends too.

My town is a great place for wine lovers, there are all the types of it.

I recommend cine center, you can watch movies, or eat something.

I often read or practice swimming.

I do exercise every day.


My name is...

teens 2.1.1 - unit 1