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Use of English Emergency Practice 2021 (edytowalny)-health.pdf
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do some additional use of English practice on HEALTH


to suffer from a chronic disease

stress induced health problems

to pick up a virus/ infection

to recover from sth

to affect sb/ sth

to follow a diet or a doctor's advice

to lead a sendentary lifestyle

to overeat

for more practice on vocabulary, try out the links below:

What do you think is the most serious threat to people's health in the 21st century?

Who do you think suffers from stress more - younger or older people?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of working in the medical profession?

How has the pandemic affected our mental and physical well-being?

How do you think learning disabilities like dyslexia, dyscalculia or dysgraphia affect the lives of the people who have them?

How do people generally behave towards people with disabilities? How should people with disabilities be supported?

last minute revision 1