1. Share expressions used to exchange contact information.
It cannot be said that the elements go one after the other, nor that they are independent. In the communicative process, everyone intervenes at the same time in a constant and unrepeatable interaction over time; all influence and affect the meaning of the message or the identification between sender and receiver, that is why all the components are important.
2. Share expressions used in written communications.
Consider the message you want to communicate, Pay attention to what is said and how it is said, Speak clearly and state important aspects, Education, occupation and experience, Fluency in the transmission of the message, Cite sources of authority or prestige.
3. Share politeness conventions common in English and Spanish.
The Greetings, thanks, ask for a favor, and cordially say goodbye.
4. Share expressions used to prevent miscommunication.
Do not confirm the information, use expressions that are concrete or do not know, suddenly, it is better to use yes or no.