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There both equal but there locations are different


Navaughn Lawson



what i can say about the measures of angles B and A is that it's parallel line and they are also equal

Stephany Menjivar Rivera


B and C are both 3 units in length

Kyrie ther equal but the location is differnt



some thing about b and c is both of them are equal to each other and a is not.



the measures of the angle is good its just doesn't match up with the location

Branda m


there the same its just the location

Abul Charles


the sides are both equal to the other but the bottom is not as the sides are both 3 and the bottom is 2.


Answer the Do Now below your name....

Answer question A in your workbook. After you complete question A in your workbook, answer question B here.

Unit 1 Lesson 10 Do Now Block 2