b and c switches side expect of for A and the rest of the shape stays the same

I think that angles b and c swapped sides

Sahara Hafiz
Angles B and C swapped sides when it came to both reflecting and rotating

angles a and c swapped their places

Jonnath Campbell
Angles b and c, they switched side

Lamech Scott
When I reflected and rotated triangle A,b,C switched sides.

Ashley Morocho
What i can say about the measures of angles B and C is that when you reflect C goes to the B measure and they swap the measures.

they swiched spots

Marlon Garcia
Angles b and c switched side

B and C switches places but the measurements of the triangle are still the same

angles b and c swapped sides.

B and c swapped places

Mick Telomico
When i reflect triangle ABC B' and C' And they change sides

Luz Mestiza
Do Now
Angles B and C switched sides.

When i reflected angels C and B swapped sides

angles b and c switched sides

Answer the Do Now below your name....
Answer question A in your workbook. After you complete question A in your workbook, answer question B here.