Notice it kinda looks like a spider web, parallel circles, 12 rays 6 lines
Wonder what if there was no center point,what was it made for?
Navaughn Lawson
I notice that it's shaped like a spider web
I wonder why does it have that pattern.
i notice that it's concentric circles
i wonder why it looks like a spider web
I notice it looks like a spider web
I Notice That they look like spiderwebs and they progressively get smaller to bigger
Emely Tinti
I notice that each circle gets bigger every time. They all have the same pattern it doesn't change. I wonder can there be a difference in the shape?
I notice that it kinda looks like the circle is getting bigger and it looks like a cob web.
I notice that its concentric circles
Some things I notice is I look like a spider web and some thing I wonder if all the angles are the same.
i notice that it has triangles and has a spiderweb build and i wonder what is the angle measures
Carlos R
I notice that each row the shape get bigger
I wonder what it is used for
I notice the shape is like a circle and how a dot is the middle. i wonder why it looks like a circle with spikes all around it.
Stephany Menjivar Rivera
I notice that there is a circle with lines coming from the center. I wonder if we are supposed to find the measurements of this circle.
Kyrie Powell
I notice it looks like a spider web and there paralle
i wonder what the angles are.
i notice that theres a circle
i wonder why there are lines there
Abul Charles
I notice that this shape or figure is a spider web/ cob webs. I wonder how we can figure out the area for this figure.
Jaquil Ellis
They have the same pattern and also get bigger the more it goes it also looks like it has layers of levels.
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