Jaquil Ellis
Line C doesn't belong
Jaquil Ellis
Line C doesn't belong
c bc its a 0 slope
C because the line is zero
C does not belong because it only has a zero slope
Alice Vega
C doesn't belong since it's the only line that's horizontal while the rest of the lines are vertical.
Kyrie Powell
C does not belong becuase its the only zero slope and C does not belong becuase its the only one that touches
C because its the only one with a zero slope
C does not belong because it the only one that is paralell and the only one that have a slope of zero
Emely Tinti
C, doesn't belong because its a zero slope.
Abul Charles
Graph C does not belong because it is the only slope that is not negative nor positive it is a 0 slope.
Kyrie Powell
C does not belong becuase C is the only zero slope .
Graph B because if the lines keep going they will end up meeting but the others are parallel lines so they will never meet.
i think its c becuse its a paralell line
Stephany Menjivar Rivera
I think line C doesn't belong because it's the only zero slope.
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Which one doesn't belong?