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i notice that the arrow are different sizes and i wonder why is the black arrow is the only arrow below the number





Jesus A.


I notice there are lines that are located on a number either positive or negative


I wonder why there is a number line



I notice that they are different colors.


i wonder why there is only one line going in one direction.


Why is the black arrow the and the blue arrow starting from 0

Why is the blue arrow going the opposite direction fo the rest of the arrows.



I notice some arrows is going towards the negative side of and the other 3 lines are going to positive side of the number line.


I noticed that one arrow is facing the negative numbers and the rest are facing the positive numbers

Samuel E Breus


I notice one of the arrows is going in the negative way while the other going in the positive way.


I wonder why one of the arrows is going the other way.

           Eric Morocho

I notice there are 3 lines going to the right and 1 going to the left.

isaiah Blanton



I notice that there are a lot of lines.


I wonder why theres only one on the bottom and the other is going the other way.



i notice that 3 going right and 1 is going left and that they are different colors


Samaj P.W


I notice each line is different and I wonder why they are different colors




I notice that their is only one thats going straight to the negatives


I wonder why their is only one thats going straight to the negatives


i notice that all the arrows are going in different direction



I notice that the lines are different color and also one line is going to the negative side.



I notice 1 arrow is going towards the negative side of the number line and the other 3 lines are going towards the positive side of the number line.


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Unit 4 Lesson 1 Block 4