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they drove 240m and used 30 gallons



distance is a functon

Ashley Morocho


A., The trailer drove 240 miles, They used 30 gallons of gas


B., It would use 20 gallons of gas


c., it would use 70 gallons

Jonnath Campbell



They drive 240 miles and use 30 gallons


16 gallons


50 gallons


Distance is a function of gallons

A . 240 and 30

B. 15

C. 60


distance is a function of gallons

The traveled 240 miles.


15 gallons

30 gallons

60 gallons.


Lamech Scott

240 miles


They used 30 gallons


If you doubled they wouldve use 60 gallons of gas


Jahmir Wesley

they went 240 miles and used 30 gallons


distance is a function of gas



15 gallons

60 gallons

Dominic Ngqondo

They drove 200 miles and used 20 gallons

Luz Mestiza


Do Now


A. The Truck drove 240 miles and used 30 gallons of gas.


B. 120 is half the distance with 15 gallons of gas used.


c. 480 is double the distance and they'd used 60 gallons of gas.


D. Distance is a function of gallons (gas)

Sasha Bonsu


They drove 240 miles and used 30 gallons


15 gallons


60 gallons


 Distance is a function of gallons/gas



the gas burned is a function of the distance traveled


Answer the Do Now below your name....


Using the graph answer the following questions.


A.) At the end of the trip, how far did the truck drive, how much gas did they use?


B.) If a truck traveled half this distance at the same rate, how much gas would it use?


C.) If a truck traveled double the distance at the same rate, how much gas would it use?


D.) Complete the sentence:

_______________________ is a function of _______________________.

Unit 5 Lesson 17 Block 3