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Ashley Morocho


I notice that the image has a little wave

i wonder if the slope would be a positive or a negative

I notice that the figure on the graph forms into a triangle.


I wonder what the equations are.

Jonnath Campbell


I wonder why it is a trinalge.

I notice that it is not a function

I notice that both of the lines are going into a triangle

there is a point 150, 48


i wonder if its a equation that has something to do with slopes

I notice that the sharp point is at (180,38)

I notice that it is also not a function


I wonder is it really (180,38)



I notice that the distance is going up by 25 and the time is going up by 12




I wonder why one line starts at the oragin and the 72

Lamech Scott



What do you notice,i notice that there are different points on the line.


What do you wonder, i wonder why the line is going in that angle.

i wounder if it a positive or a negative

I wonder why it started to count at 12


I notice that the shape is a triangle.

I wonder if there are certain plots.



i notice that the lines are not straight and i wont if it affects the values

Sasha Bonsu


I notice that the lines create a triangle.


I wonder what the equation might be.


Answer the Do Now below your name....


What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Unit 5 Lesson 4 Block 3