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A researcher found an association between a dog's stride length and its speed: the longer a dog's steps, the faster it goes. The predicted speed in meters per second, s, as a function of steps length in meters, l is:


s = 4l - 1.6


What does the rate of change of the function tell you about the association between stride length and speed?

Alice Vega

The rate of change tells me that each step that the dog takes the dog's step increases.

it tells me its a postive association


carlos r

its a positive accoisation because the longer the dog gets with his steps it becomes faster - jason

Jaquil Ellis


This is a positive association and the longer the dogs steps take the faster it goes

That it is a ppositive association cause of the speed of the dog.

Kyrie powell

i think its telling me that the dog is stepping far or fast.


that this is a positive association and that the longer a dog's step the faster it goes.

Stephany Menjivar Rivera


It tells me that it might be a positive association because it is speeding up.

Abul Charles


The rate of change is telling us that the dog is stepping very far and is speeding up.

Unit 6 Lesson 8 Block 2