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Gaga told PEOPLE that her memories of being bullied helped her connect with her insecure A Star Is Born character, Ally.

"I really believed in myself. Ally is not this way. My character in this film, she doesn't believe in herself at all. She's very jaded by the music industry and she's given up on herself."


"What I had to do was go back further into my childhood, into my high school years, when I was bullied and made fun of for having big dreams," she continued. "That's where I went."

However, in her younger days, she was an out-of-control rebel. She claims that she was so bad that she chose to attend a high school for troubled kids. The majority of the students at the school were there because they had history of bad behavior. Angelina was so tough and feared at her high school that none of the troubled kids ever had any altercations with her. Essentially, she was the school bully at a school filled with bullies.

Here are some successful personalities who faced such hardships during their childhood and have reached where they are despite it, showing the bullies who’s boss!


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Bullying is one of the worst things that could happen to any child. It destroys their confidence, makes them afraid all the time, and overall makes their lives miserable. When a child is being bullied, you just want to protect him/her and stop the bullies from hurting him/her: even thought that might just worsen the problem.

The actress knows about depression since childhood. For the first time, Angelina faced problems after the divorce of her parents. After some time and the first roles in the cinema, the situation only worsened - stories about suicide attempts, drugs and self-flagellation from this period of life. The star struggled with health problems for a long time, and only psychological help and medical specialists helped restore peace of mind.

As a child growing up in Barbados, Rihanna was bullied by classmates because of her appearance.


"I got teased my entire school life," the singer told Glamour in 2013. “What they were picking on I don't even understand. It was my skin color [which was lighter than her classmates]. Then when I got older, it was about my breasts."



As a child who moved from school to school, Eminem was frequently bullied for being an outsider.


"I was beat up in the bathrooms, in the hallways, shoved in the lockers — for the most part for being the new kid," Eminem told CNN's Anderson Cooper in 2010.


One incident even left the rapper with a serious head injury, leading his mother to sue his Michigan school district for failing to protect her child.

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