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1)What would be the outcome of the Walls trying to get gold?


2) What is the reason for the dad being more involved with the children than the mom?





2. Is the dad going to actually build the ¨castle¨?



1) Would her life be different if their daughter would have lived?

2) How is Wall's relationship with her parents?



1. How does the outside world view the family?



1.What could have caused Dad to leave the hospital?

2.What can you infer if the dad stayed in the military?



1)what is your opinion on rex is he a good father


2)why would it be better if rex and rose were more in in jeannetttes life



2.) How else can you interpret the way mom and dad raise the children?



1.)What is the difference between how the mother took Mary Charlene's death and how the father took her death

2.)What could be a reason for the reason why dad might have been drinking so heavily.



Question #2 - What relationship exists between Rose and Rex based on his actions from the past when things first started getting "rough"? - AP

1). What is the reason for Jeannette's mom attitude what happened in her childhood to make her the way that she is

2). Why is the dad hiding that the Tax collectors are after him and why is he saying that the FBI is after him.


Does dad actually believe they are going to find gold?



1) Determine what could have caused dad to want to flee or "skedattle" from the hospital

2) What would happen if mom was the one to find the baby in the crib?

1.How would things differ if Mary Charlene didn't die?


2.What would have happened if Brian died too?





1.) if the baby Mary did not die, how could that have created a different family dynamic?



Question #1 - How would you explain Dad from reading based on the description that he experienced a "beer phase"? - AP

question #2

what can you infer about wall's feelings towards her mother do to her writing?




Was there a reason Jeanette and Bryan were not healthy babies? Was there something that could have influenced this?



Q1: How would their childhood be different if the dad didn't drink?


Q2: What could be the reason for the dad's drinking if he is a much better person sober?



question #1

what would have happened had there second daughter not died.



Create 2 higher level questions based on pages 19-28. Use the questions stems for help if need be.

5th Hr Discussion Stems 19-28