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Answer the questions below in English.

1. What is mentioned about smoking?

2. A woman in her 70s diagnosed with lung cancer. Why couldn't she get a surgery?

3. What type of people are harder to quit smoking?


Key words:

상처가 아물다= to heal the wound, 중독=addition, 끊다=to quit, stop, 폐해= harmful damage, 흡연=smoking, 위험요인= dangerous cause


Write a simple Korean summary.


Answer the questions below in English.


1. What type of cancers are increasing in last 10 years?


2. What is the reason of it?


3. What is recommended to prevent 유방암 and 전립선암?


Key words:


수면=sleep,위험요소= dangerous factor,코를 골다=to snore,상관관계=correlation, 멜라토닌=melatonin


Write a simple summary in Korean


Answer the questions below in English.


1. What is reported?

2. What other diseases are mentioned caused by this disease?

3. What is recommended?


Key words:

침묵의 살인자=silent killer, 동반질환=disease accompanied by, developed by, 합병증=complication of disease, 조기진단=early diagnosis


Write a simple Korean summary.



Answer the questions below in English.

1. What is reported?

2. What is the cause of it?

3. What is the recommendation?


Key words:

부족하다=to be insufficient, not sufficient, 수면=sleep


Write a simple summary in Korean.

각종 질병 (2)