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1. A break out of the flu.

2. Severe coughing, fever.

3. Young children ages 7 to 12 are 10x more likely to become infected because they’re in school around other kids where it’s likely to spread.

4. Wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid places with lots of people.


1. 오감을 많이 와요.

2. 심한 키침 하고 열

3. 아이가 7살 부터 12가지, 10배를 더 걸렬수 있어요.

4. 마스크 쓰고 많이 사람들 있극 곳을 피하새요.


Allergy symptoms from pollen blowing off of trees by the street in the month of may.

The symptoms are nasal infections, nose itching, itching, eye itching, eyes watering, nose running and eye inflammation.

The recommendations are not doing outside activities, wearing masks and sunglasses, washing hands and face, and showering to get the pollen off.


1. What is reported?

- that children must be careful because the flu is coming around

2. What are the symptoms?

- runny nose, cough

3. Who would be the most vulnerable and why?

- children specifically age 7 to age 12 are most vulnerable because they all attend schools and private academies together so it spreads more

4. What is advised to avoid it?

- it is advised that the children wear masks when gathering to prevent them from continuing to spread of the flu.

1:the trees are producing pollen so its allergy season for the the month of may

2:runny nose/eyes, nasal infection, swollen eyes

3:wear a mask/ sunglasses, wash face, take more showers


Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. What are the symptoms?

3. Who would be the most vulnerable and why?

4. What is advised to avoid it?


Key words:


극성이다=to be frantic/to be extreme

호소하다=to plead


개인위생수칙=personal hygiene rule


Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. What are the symptoms?

3. What is advised to avoid it?



Key words:


꽃가루=pollen<꽃flower +가루 powder>

가로수=street trees

비염=nasel infection

결막염=eye inflamation
