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1st video: it was a blind date with three guys and one girl. They have similar guys didn’t talk with her very much and she tried to ask questions to the guys. Many, if not all, of the guys didn’t have experience with dating before.


2nd video: the woman and man were set up by their family and the guy is 12 years older than the woman and is quiet when they are talking. The guy doesn’t fit her ideal type that she mentioned.



1st: Pretty lady meets three men who do not know how to talk to women


2nd: Pretty lady meets one man who still does not know how to talk to women

1st video

They were on a blind date with 3 guys and one girl. They all introduced themselves however afterwards none of them knew how to talk with her.


2nd video

The man is much older than the woman. He mad it awkward by asking what year she was born in and then did the math on how old she was right in front of her. He is not her style



Gist the bio information about those in the video after watching the video.

장난기 제로, 진지한 김건모의 맞선 “어떤 스타일 좋아하세요?” @미운 우리 새끼 102회 20180902
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