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1. What is reported?

A public opinion poll found that if President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump were to have an election showdown right now that Joe Biden would win.


2. What kind of result is predicted?

The predicted result is that Biden would win.


3. What is the reason of the prediction?

According to the results of the survey, which was broadcasted by the Wall Street Journal and had 1,313 participants, Biden received 50 percent of votes, while Trump only received 44 percent.





Key words:




맞대결을 벌이다=to have a showdown


찍다=to shoot a picture


가상 양자 대결=an imaginary 2 sided confrontation


열세 vs 우세= inferiority v superiority


상승 흐름= an upward flow


Answer the following questions in English.






1. What is reported?

This is reporting on the presidential campaign with Joe Biden receiving the majority of the votes

2. What kind of result is predicted?

Joe Biden was predicted to win

3. What is the reason of the prediction?

His promise of college tuition dropped and inflation rate to lower





Key words:




맞대결을 벌이다=to hold a showdown


찍다=to take a picture


가상 양자 대결= imaginary fight


열세 vs 우세= inferior vs superior


상승 흐름= a rising flow


1. What is reported?

a poll was done on whether trump or Biden would win an election if they had one now and it showed Biden would win

2. What kind of result is predicted?

Biden would win

3. What is the reason of the prediction?

after his college loan forgiveness and inflation reduction policies his approval rate has gone up


맞대결을 벌이다= have a showdown


찍다=take (picture)


가상 양자 대결= an imaginary fight


열세 vs 우세= inferior vs superior


상승 흐름= rising flow


Answer the following questions in English.



1. What is reported?

2. What kind of result is predicted?

3. What is the reason of the prediction?



Key words:


맞대결을 벌이다=


가상 양자 대결=

열세 vs 우세=

상승 흐름=

미국 대선