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2022/11/12 11-12, 3-4:30에서 방과후학교 페스티벌에서 학생들이 부모님 하고 친구들 한테 배운 실력을 보여줄 수 있었어요. 초, 중, 고등학생들이 171명 했어요. 악기연주 하고 춤 하고 비밀 실력을 자랑 했어요.



1. What is special about this school?

It is an alternative "hybrid" school in the country side

시골 마을의 '하이브리드' 대안학교이다

They learn how to do fun activities

재미있는 활동을 어떻게 하는 방법을 배운다.


2. What kind of activities are included?

more than 30 activities like dancing, carpentry, and gardening

무용, 목공, 텃밭 가꾸기 같은 30 개 이상 활동을 한다


It is for elementary school students right after school to go to the countryside and get hands on experiences.

초등학생들이 방과 후에 시골에 가서 여러 가지 체험하는 것이다


1. What is special about this school?

Children attending this school from the city take trips to the countryside where they learn things about life outside of school at a farming village or countryside village.

도시 학교에 다니는 아이들은 농장 생활을 배울 수 있는 시골에 가요.

2. What kind of activities are included?

 They learn how to prepare and make meals. They take care of plants and animals. They also play many games with each other and exercise together. They learn traditional dances. They also learn how to build things.

그 아이들은 은식 만들기,

손아리 씨

1. Performance of after school activities 방과후활동 연공

2. A school festival, our star today 오늘 우리가 스타

3. School auditorium 학교 극장

4. Students perform and show off hobbies and special activities to parents and friends. K pop style dancing or instrument playing. 학생들이 친구하고 가족들에게 취미하고 특별한 활동을 보여주고 있어요. k pop 스타일 무용하고 악기를 연주하고 있어요.


Students take part I’m am alternative “natural school” where they’re taught to learn things about the world naturally.


They have activities like crafts, dance, gardening, cultural activities and alternative methods of exercise.



자연하교에서는 시골 마을에 있어요. 거기서 학생들이 자연하게 배우고 있어요.


거기서 초등학생들이 공에, 조원, 하고 색다른 운동활동을 할수있어요

1: special activities after school such as singing, dancing,and instrument stuff(the presentations thereof

2:after school, November

3:korea, the after school private academy thing

4:korean students




I will not provide key words for this news. Just watch the video and describe it in English or Korean. Focus on


1. What

2. When

3. Where

4. Who


Answer the following questions either in English or Korean


1. What is special about this school?


2. What kind of activities are included?


Key words:


대안학교= alternative school

농촌유학= studying in a farming village


유학 refers to going to a big city or foreign country to study but 농촌유학 indicates students in the cities are going to a small town

방과 후