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Answer the questions in English.

1. What is reported?

2. What happened to 114 places?

3. What is anticipated to the age group of 14-64? Why?

4. What kind of problems are mentioned?


Key words:


저출산=low birth rate, 현주소=current address, 적막감= quietness, 폐교= closing school, 출생= birth, 역대 최저=lowest in the history, 최하위= lowest, 기대수명= life expectancy, 생산가능인구=working age population, 예산=budget


영어로 다음 질문에 답을 쓰세요.

1. What is reported?

2. Describe the female population.

3. What kind of change is reported?

4. What does the number 57 % at the end of news represent?


Key words:

필수=essential, 관리자=manager, 행정직= admin work position, 근로자=worker, 임금=wage


Answer the questions in English?


1. What is the result of survey?

2. What is the reason and why?

3. When do they want to quit their job?

4. How can they overcome this challenges?

5. Reason of wanting to continue to work?


Key words:


퇴사=to quit a job, 병행하다=to do two things together, parallel, 고비= crucial moment, 가계경제=family budget, economy


Answer the questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. What is the reason of this trend?

3. What is the story of 42살 염미옥?

4. Which group is the most impacted by this trend?

5. What kind of jobs are decreased the most?


Key words:

역대 최고= highest in the history, 기혼여성=married woman, 고용율= employment rate, 충격=shock, 대면 서비스= face to face contact service

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