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review the following sentences;


1. 대부분 뜨거운 물이나 음식에 데었고 전기 주전자 같은 일상용품, 난방기구가 뒤를 이었습니다.


2. 특히 아이를 씻길 때는=when bathing the kid 물이 빠르게 데워지는 개수대나 순간 온수기 대신= instead of using a sink or hot water heater 욕조에 물을 받아 써야 합니다 hold the water in bath tub.


3. 뜨거운 음식이나 음료는 아이들 눈에 안 보이는 곳에 두고, 아이를 안고 = hold the kid 뜨거운 음식을 먹는 것도 삼갑니다=삼가합니다 = should avoid eating hot foods.


또 물집은 터뜨리지 않도록 주의하고=do not pop blister 손가락이나 관절 부위는 크기가 작더라도=even if injured parts are small on joints and fingers 상처가 아물면서 when they are healed up 살이 오그라드는 skin gets shrinked 경우가 많아 전문의와 상의해야 합니다= should consult with a doctor


4. 소주나 된장, 황토 등 민간 치료는 절대 금지입니다.

 folk remedy is something you should not try

1. seeing many burns on young kid's skin lately so they will let the viewers know the emergency care, these burn injuries are seen most often in children 0-4 years old. Most popular reason for the burns is hot water and hot food. Because their skin is young the burns are more severe for them


2. Instead of running water, have them take a bath, leave the kid where they cannot see the hot food or drink, dangerous if kids move all of a sudden, don't let them eat hot food


3. cool down the wounded area under running cool water, cooling for 10-15 minutes, wrap it in blanket or things like that


4. don't touch it (the wound)

Watch YTN news and answer the following questions in Korean


1. What is reported?

2. What is advised to avoid the incident?

3. What are recommended as first aid treatment<응급처치>?

4. What are advised not to do?


Key words;


상처=wound, cut,injury

흉터가 남다=to leave a scar

뒤틀리다=to be twisted

상처가 아물다 =to be healed up


관절=a joint <like a knee,fingers>

"화상 환자 30% 영유아"...안전수칙 알아야 / YTN
영유아 화상