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1. What is reported?

a 9 year old child fell of the 14 floor of an apartment building, the child was unconscious after the fell

2. What is the reason of the survival?

the child survived because they fell on a flower bed and when the firefighters and rescuers arrived it took about 50 minutes to bring the child back to consciousness and get them to the emergency center. The child had to receive surgery but in the end survived.


1. What is reported?

2. What is the reason of the survival?


Key words;

기적= miracle

생존하다= to survive

화단= flower bed

외상센터=trauma center

생존율= survival rate


Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. Why is it dangerous?



Key words:


사망하다=to die

내시경 수술=endoscopic operation

화학 반응=chemical reaction

구멍을 내다 = make a hole

단추형 전지=button type battery

소화기/소화기관=digestive organ



Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. Describe the situation when 911 arrived at the scene.



Key words:


뇌출혈= bleeding in the brain

시간을 허비하다 = to waste the time

숨치다= to die

목숨을 잃다=to lose one's life

의식을 잃다=to lose consciousness

해명하다=to explain

응급 상황