1. What is reported?
2. What is the reason of the survival?
Key words;
기적= miracle, 생존하다= to survive, 화단= flower bed, 외상센터=trauma center, 생존률= surviving rate
1. What is reported?
2. What is the reason of the survival?
Key words;
기적= miracle, 생존하다= to survive, 화단= flower bed, 외상센터=trauma center, 생존률= surviving rate
1. That people need to be careful because of the the dangers of Heat that can cause heatcat or heatstroke from blistering temperatures.
2. The symtoms include, dizziness, sweating, nasuea, and being pale.
3. In case of an emergency, in which they will most likely faint and not have any sweat and have a temperature as high at 41 degrees celsius, you first need to do first aid which will be taking them to a shady place, then check too see if they are concsious, cool them off with something cold and then call 119 and wait for them to arrive, take off clothing to cool them off as well. give them something cool to drink
4. wear less clothing and something refreshing and minmize activithy when it is hot, carry around a cool water source as well
Challenging Question:
What is the difference between 일사병 and 열<사>병?
일사병 is a heat exhaustion and 열사병 is heat stroke. the difference is that heat stroke is alot more dangeruous and it is in case of an emergency
1) a 9 year old girl fell from the 14th story on a building, she survived by landing in a flower bed and was rushed to a trauma center and underwent surgery.
9살 여자가 14 층에 1층에서 떨어졌어요. 화단으로 빠졌시때 몬에
2) she survived because the flowers and tree branches broke her fall enough for her to survive going to the hospital where surgeons were able to save her life after a 1 hr emergency surgery.
제주도 근처에 있는 물에 사람이 3명 잃어버렸어요. 제주 해경은 3명을 구조됬어요.
3 people, a Canadian man and two children, drifted far away in the waters while playing with a rubber boat near Jeju island and hit a boulder but were saved by Jeju's coast gaurd.
1.Report: a woman is filing a lawsuit against Asiana airlines because a flight attendant spilled ramen and burned the passenger
3.Woman is filing the lawsuit because she blames the flight attendant
4. Asiana is offering around 6,000 won.
1. What type of accident is reported?
2. Describe how it happened and rescue effort
3. What is the result?
key words;
표류하다= to drift away, 고무보트= rubber boat, 해경= coastal guard
1. What is reported?
2. Why did it happen?
3. What did the victim claim?
4. Why did she file the law suit against Asiana?
5. What does Asian offer?
Key words:
손배<손해 배상>=compensation of damage, 쟁반=tray, 환부=injured area
1. What is reported?
2. How can you prevent it?
Key words:
펄펄끓다 =to be boiling, 방심하다=to be careless, 한눈팔다 =to look somewhere else
1. What is reported?
2. What are the symptoms?
3. What do you need to do in case of emergency?
4. What is advised to avoid the sickness?
Challenging Question:
What is the difference between 일사병 and 열<사>병?
key words:
직사광선=direct sunlight, 수분=, 일사병= sun stroke, 열사병=sickness from hot temperature