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On the downtown bus there was a man of 65 who suddenly lost consciousness and fell over on the bus. Immediately a passenger on the bus as well as the bus driver stopped to help him and conduct first aid/CPR. Another passenger, a woman, called 119. The elderly person seems to have survived due to the passengers and the bus driver.


시내 버스 안에는 예슨 다섯 살 이는 남자가 갑짜기 외식을 잃어서 쓰러졌어요. 맘설임 없게 다른 사람은 다친 사람을 인공호흡응급치처를 주었고 버스 기사 도움이 했어요. 다른 여성이 일일구 전화했어요. 그래서 아저씨가 죽지 않았어요.


A few Marines in the Pohang KTX subway station performed first aid to an elderly person who collapsed.


해병대 군인들이 KTX 포항 역에서 어른 분에게 응급처치를 했습니다. 그 어른 분은 쓰러졌어요.



Short Summary:


A man on the downtown bus suddenly collapsed.

The passenger next to him immediately placed him on his side.

The bus driver examined his condition, checked his breathing and pulse.

Man went to hospital afterwards


버스 기사= bus driver

망설임 없이= unfaltering(ly)

심폐소생술= CPR



While riding the bus, a person fainted and collapsed. The bus driver stopped the bus to go help them. He pulled over and began to perform CPR.


Key words:

버스 기사= bus driver

망설임 없이= without hesitation

심폐소생술= "cardiopulmonary resuscitation"

Members of the Korean Marines rescued a man on the KTX that passed out and worked to make sure he didn't lose consciousness.



The video is about a marine who rescues a collapsed elder.


The marine helped to obstruct the bleeding for the old man.


Also kept him from losing consciousness until the emergency services arrived.


Create a short summary in English.




Key words:


버스 기사=

망설임 없이=



Create a short summary in English.




중요한 단어


접근을 막다=

살리다 =

쓰러지다 =
