34무9961 - 아동성범죄자 차량입니다.

김수철 와 마건우:
1. A New Years celebration in a traditional folk village
2. 윳놀이/Yutnori,
key words
세시풍속=traditional custom around new year
볼거리, 즐길거리, 먹거리 =
볼거리: attraction(s)
즐길거리: enjoyable things, games
먹거리: Food stuffs, food items, food
토정비결<액운:bad fouture>= research about it
"Tojeong's Secret Book[2] (토정비결/土亭秘訣) at the beginning of each year. At the same time, the yearly symbol under the Chinese zodiac system based on a combination of 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branch is interpreted in relation to the national and global circumstances. Each person’s five Elements of destiny can be interpreted through knowledge, partnership, products, career and wealth Stars, thus predicting how their relationship with the Elements of the year will be developed.[3]"

1. It is the day of the first full moon of the Lunar New Year so there are many cultural events taking place where children and their parents can partake in various traditional folk games.
2.딱지치기, 제기차기, 윷놀이: slap match from Squid games, the throwing of the arrows, and the yutnori
3. People can enjoy this at 창경palace and some museum there seems to be an event being held that you can enjoy
부럼꾸러미: bunch of nuts

1. There are various folk events to be enjoyed at the folk village for Lunar New Years break.
2. Games like Yutnori that the Kids can enjoy.
불거리 - Fire street
길거리 - Street
먹거리 - Things to eat

1) Various cultural events are being held for 정월 대보름.
2)Games like 윳놀이 are being played.
3) People can enjoy this event at the Museum.
부럼 - a collection of various kinds of nuts.

1. What is reported?
2. What kind of games are mentioned?
3. 볼거리, 즐길거리, 먹거리 = translate it
key words
세시풍속=traditional custom around new year
토정비결<액운:bad fouture>= research about it

1. What is reported?
2. What kind of games are introduced?
3. At where can people enjoy this event?
key words;
모형 보름달=mock full moon
기원하다=to make a wish~
부럼꾸러미= research about it <부럼>and 꾸러미 means 'bundle'