34무9961 - 전자발찌 착용중입니다. 조심하세요.

농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원은 검정콩을 먹으면 건강 효능이 많다고 한다. 건강을 위해 검정콩 있는 청자 5호가 아주 좋다. 그래서 많은 다른 검정콩 식품 먹읍시다.
특별한 단어
개발하다=to develop
생산량=amount of production
농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원=national food science department
감소하다=to decrease
콩가루/두유=bean powder/soymilk

이안나:= 잘 했어요 ^^
They are reporting the increasingly higher rate/trend of obesity among Koreans with diabetes these days and must lose body fat. They need to eat three regular balanced meals and they need to avoid spicy and salty food. They also need to avoid snacking even on things like fruit during the day to avoid obesity.They also need to do exercise.

Answer the following questions in English.
1. What is reported?
2. What are suggested to prevent this trend?
Key words;
혈당/당/당뇨병=blood sugar
합병증=complication <of disease>
늘다/증가하다=to be increased
세포=a cell <bio>
육박하다= to be close to ~<number wise>
경향=a trend
줄이다 = to reduce
근육량= muscle amount

Answer the following questions in English.
1. What is reported?
2. List the benefits of newly developed 청자5호 검정콩
3. How can you take it?
Key words;
개발하다=to develop
생산량=amount of production
농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원=national food science department
감소하다=to decrease
콩가루/두유=bean powder/soymilk