22고 1404 - 성범죄자 차량

Answer the questions in English.
1. What is reported?
2. What happened to 김모씨?
3. What is the excuse of companies for taking this action?
4. What kind of action did the job-seekers take?
Key words:
분통을 터뜨리다=to grow furious, 통보<하다/받다>=to inform/to be informed, 방침= basic policy, 빌미=an excuse, 경영악화=worsened business operation

Answer the questions in English.
1. What is reported?
2. What happened to 이성훈?
3. What is expected in the 2nd half of this year?
4. What is the purpose of this action by Thrump ADM?
Key words:
취업비자= work visa, 중단하다= to stop, 제한하다= to limit, 이중고= double burden, 자국민 우선 정책= our people first policy