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1)젊은이 실업률이 감소 하고있어요.

2) 젊은 인구가 감소 하고있어요. 취업 경쟁률이 높아졌어요.

3) 앞으로 인구가 감소 하니까 실업률 계속 높아질거예요.




Answer the following questions in English.




1. What is reported?

highest unemployment rate among OECD countries for 20's generation at 21.6%

2. What is the reason of this trend?

strong preference for working for large companies and will not work for lower wages

3. Compared to 2011, what has changed?

korea has traded places for highest unemployment rate with denmark and mexico



Key words:




구직기간= job search period


경제활동인구= economically active population



1. What is reported?

The report is about Korea being the 1# OECD country in terms of unemployment rate of males in their late 20s for the 7th year in a row. The rate is 21.6%.


2. What is the reason of this trend?

They prefer to work at big companies and the period that they are searching for a job is getting increasignly longer. They also don't want to work at a job that pays a low salary.


3. Compared to 2011, what has changed?

In 2011, there were countries such as Greece that had a higher rate but since then, Korea has remained below other countries.


Key words:


구직기간= job searching time


경제활동인구= economically active population



1. What is reported about young adults? The amount of young people that are actually looking for jobs is decreasing

2. What is the reason of this trend? The young adults do not want to do difficult work and the preference for large companies is strong

3. What is expected in the future? The rate for finding a job will continue to decrease


1young adults are not apply for jobs any more


2this is because they all want to work for a large company even tho this year out of 81 applicants only one is selected


3they expect the number of job seekers to continue to decrese


Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported about young adults?

2. What is the reason of this trend?

3. What is expected in the future?


Key words:


제자리 걸음을 면치 못 하다=to be at standstill

쏠림현상=to rush to one side


Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. What is the reason of this trend?

3. Compared to 2011, what has changed?


Key words:




취업율 vs 실업율