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1. What is reported? Almost 300 teachers self reported and are possibly in trouble for earning income doing work that could have interfered with their work obligations and duties.


2. What is their current job? Teacher


3. What did they do? Teachers held a second position earning money as creators of "killer question" mock test questions. They did not have approval to have a second job, so they may be entitled to be punished.


Answer the following question in Korean or English.


1. What is reported?

2. What is the final decision of supreme court?

3. What is he charged of?



Look up the words below.


학원장=owner of hak-won

교육 과정=curriculum

원심 확정=confirmed the original-trial


Answer the following questions in English or Korean.


1. What is reported?

2. What is their current job?

3. What did they do?


Look up the words below:


모의고사=mock test

자신 신고=self-reporting

겸직 허가=approval to have 2nd job

징계 대상=entitled to be punished

킬러 문항=killer quetions, which means a question impossible to solve

학원 교육