55가8077 - 25.03.01 16:35 남의 사유지 지 땅인거 마냥 도로처럼 지나다니는 교회새끼

1. people who work 5 days a week have 119 days they don't work if you include the weekends
2. Two less days because kids day and the other holiday are on sundays.
3. Chuseok
4. People who use two days of leave

1. What does the number 119 represent?
the days you can rest in a year
2. What is the reason that holidays in 2024 is 2 days less compared to
previous year?
lunar new year and childrens day are both on a Sunday
3. When can you take the longest holiday?
4. Who can take 9 days off?
people who take off 2 days

days off a year
less official holidays
people during 추석

1. if you add Saturday to all of next years public holidays then you can rest for 116 days.
2. Because the holiday of Seollal is less days this year.
3. The longest holiday to take off is Chuseok.

1. What does the number 119 represent?- the number of days you can relax if you’re an office worker
2. What is the reason that holidays in 2024 is 2 days less compared to previous year? - because it is a leap year. Which causes an overlap with days
3. When can you take the longest holiday? Chuseok. From sept 14-18
4. Who can take 9 days off? - people who take no more than 2 days of annual leave

Answer the following questions in English.
1. What does the number 119 represent?
2. What is the reason that holidays in 2024 is 2 days less compared to previous year?
3. When can you take the longest holiday?
4. Who can take 9 days off?
words to look up
윤년= a leap year
겹치다= to overlap
연차= annual leave