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Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. What is the reason of increased number of patients in their 20s?

3. What is advised to prevent 목 디스크?


Key words:


거북목 = turtle neck (straight neckline)

하중= body weight

마비증상= paralyzing symptom

신경= nerve

불안정한 자세 =unstable posture


Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. What is the symptom? and cause of this sickness?

3. What is advised?


key words:


급식=school meal/lunch

식중독=food poisoning warning

변질되다=to go bad (food)/ to be altered

세균= germ/bactaria

보건당국=department of public health and welfare

29과 B 통증과 증상