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1. What is the indication of 4 out of 10 teenagers?

청소년 10명 중에서 4명 이상은 일주일 5일이상 동안 아침을 안 먹다고 보고했다.



2. What is consquences?

다이트 나쁘면 간강 문제들 많을 수 있다. 예를 들면 스트레스 많고 정신 건강 문제들 있다고 보고했다.



3. What has improved?

최근 청소년들이 담배를 덜 피우다고 보고했다.



1. 아침을 안 먹는 사람.

2. 비만이 12.5% 를 기록했어요. 우울증 이 더 높아졌어요.

3. 음주율 하고 흡연율 떨어졌어요



1. The news is reporting the increased rates of stress and depression student feel. These are students a part of the 10s generation.


2. Studying has increased stress by a lot, but it was also mentioned that friendship relationships also affected the amount of stress and depression felt.


3. They suggest to start paying attention and take interest in the mental health of the youth


1: Increasing levels of stress on Jeju 3rd year students.


2: A majority of students stated that academics and friendships are the cause for their stress.


3: To increase the amount of people using social/mental care.

1. They are relieving stress by breaking things.


2. They can release anger and stress by breaking things instead of other dangerous behavior.


Answer the following questions in English/Korean.


1. What is reported? Identify the age group.


2. What is the reason of it?


3. What is suggested to address this issue?


Key words;


빨간불=red light

마음 돌봄=taking care of one's mind

사회적 관심이 시급하다=social interest is urgently needed


Answer the following questions in English/Korean.


1. What is the indication of 4 out of 10 teenagers?


2. What is consquences?


3. What has improved?


Key words;


빨간불이 들어오다=red light is turned on

섭취하다=to intake

정신건강=mental health

단짠음식<달고 짠 음식>=sweet and salty food

비만= obesity


1. What is happening?

2. Why are they doing what they are doing?

U8 Ch 31 TPA