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1. What is the difference beween 헬리콥터 부모 and 신헬리콥터 부모?


 헬리콥터 부모는 젊은 자녀의 교육에 간섭하지만 신헬리콥터 부모는 성인 자녀의 회사 생활에 간섭한다고 보도했다.


2. List at least 2 incidents that 신헬리콥터 부모 do.


 신헬리콥터 부모가 자녀의 회사를 열락해서 자녀의 문제를 풀어본다. 자녀가 인터뷰를 하면 신헬리콥터 부모가 회사에 열락해서 고용하는 사람한테 자녀를 고용하게 해본다고 보도했다.


3. What is the reason that they keep helping their children?


신헬리콥터 부모는 자녀의 성공에 대해서 신경을 많이 쓴다고 보도했다.



4. What is 어른이 캥거루족?


 어른이 캥거루족은 부모에 여전히 의존하는 성인 자녀 뜻다고 보도했다.


5. What is 헬리콥터 조부모?


 헬리콥터 조부모는 헬리콥터 부모의 헬리콥터 부모 뜻다고 보도했다.






의존하다= Depend (on)


간섭하다= Interfere



1. Helicopter parents involve themselves in every aspect of their teenager's life; whereas, new helicopter parents even go as far as to involve themselves in their child's work life.


2. They call their child's work trying to solve a problem for them. They also do interviews with their child.


3. Primarily to get their children moved to different departments of a company.


4. They are kids/grown adults who still depend on their parents.


5. They are grandparents who pay for their grandchild's education


의촌하다 = To depend

간섭하다 = To interfere

1. The first one just meddles with the childrens lives. The latter one meddles with their work lives as well.

2. Writes resignation letter to work so the child can study. Writes letter to company to change departments.

3. They are worried for their kids.

4. Adult children who depend on their parents still.

5. Grandparents who pass down assets to grandchildren


의존하다 = depends on

간섭하다 = meddle with



1. "Helicopter Parents" are parents that interfere with their teenagers while "New Helicopter Parents" are parents that interfere with the life of their grown children.


2. One of the incidents that new helicopter parents do is involved themselves in their work life by talking with their employers about inconveniences their child experiences; such as, talking to their boss to change their child's department. A second incident is talking to their children's professor's.


3. Parent's say that they are still worried about their children even while they're in adulthood, so they act the way they do.


4. 어른 캥거루족 is a saying that for adults that still rely on their parents


5. 헬리콥터 조부모 are grandparents that take care of their grandchildren's education by paying for them.


의존하다 - depend

간섭하다 - interfere

1. Helicopter parents take control of their kids life. New helicopter parents also try to control their adult children who work.


2. Sometimes during recruitment parents follow children into the waiting room. Call company about children's salary, benefits, etc.


3.they are worried and anxious about their children.


4. Kids who depend on their parents.


5. Helicopter grandparents. pay for their grandchildren's education.






1. It is a school for people who have already retired.

이미 퇴직한 사람을 위한 초등학교예요.


2. They hold activities that can help them not be bored past their retirement.

퇴직한 사람들이 재미있게 살면 시니어 초등학교에 가요. 누구에 따르면 퇴직한후에 생활이 너무 재미없어서 이초등학교에 갔다고 했어요.


3. The students are people who have already retired and seek to add a tad bit for fun to their life.

이학교의 학생들이 이미 퇴직한 사람이에요.


인생2막 = A Second Life

중장년층 = Middle Age


1. What is 시니어 초등학교?


2. What do they do?


3. Who are the students?







1. What is the difference beween 헬리콥터 부모 and 신헬리콥터 부모?


2. List at least 2 incidents that 신헬리콥터 부모 do.


3. What is the reason that they keep helping their children?


4. What is 어른이 캥거루족?


5. What is 헬리콥터 조부모?






Write an essay in Korean about 나의 고등학교 생활.