64수2582 - 25.01.17 18:42 남의 사유지를 도로처럼 지나가는 병신새끼

1. What are the college students concerned about? Rent and living expenses
2. How much is it to rent a room?Usually there's a deposit of 10 million won with a monthly rent of 450-500k won. Newly built or clean houses may be as much as 600-700k.
3. Daily 식비 cost? 20k won. 600k/month
4. What is the monthly expense of an average college student? 450k-500k+600k=1050k/1100k won if you go by the numbers they gave in the article but the title says 130 만원

1. College students are concerned about the increasing prices of monthly expenses and living expenses
2. It would cost (monthly) 450,000-500,000 won to rent a room, but if he house is newer, it costs from 650,000-700,000 won
3. Per day is would be 20,000 won for food expenses
4. The average student expense is 1.3 million won a month

1. What is the concern of collage students?
생활비가 보통 너무 비싸다고 보고했다.
2. How much would it cost to rent a room?
보통 월세는 45만원에서 50만원이라고 보고했다. 그렇지만 새로나 예쁜 집에 살고 싶어하면 월세는 60만 원에서 70만 원이라고 보고했다.
3. How much would it be per day for 식비?
식비는 하루에 보통 2만 원이라고 보고했다.
4. What is monthly expense of average collage students?
보통 생활비 모두 130만 원이라고 보고했다.

1. College students are looking for places to live within proximity of the school they attend.
2. Deposits can be around 10 Million Won with monthly rent being around 500K-700K Won.
3. 20,000+ Won a day for food expenses.
4. 1.3M Won a month for college student living expenses.

1. 생활비 하고 월세 걱장해요.
2. 60-70만원
3. 2만 원
4. 130만 원

You are curious about campus life of your classmate. You want to know
1) what did s/he major?
2) how did s/he survive?
3) Cost of living
4) most challenging thing
5) tuition

요즘 하숙집
1. What is the co-living house?
2. Who are interested? why?
3. What kind of facility or service provided?

Answer the following questions in Korean.
1. What is the concern of collage students?
2. How much would it cost to rent a room?
3. How much would it be per day for 식비?
4. What is monthly expense of average collage students?