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1. What is the outlook of job market in 하반기 this year?

하반기 채용문도 더 좁아질 것으로 보이라고 보도한다.


2. Describe the situation of Mr. A.

A씨는 서울에서 4학년 대학생이고 작년 여름부터 취업하기 위해서 휴학하고 있지만 별로 일자리가 없으니까 여전히 채용되지 못 한다고 한다.


3. What is the reason that 인·적성 검사(The aptitude and personality tests) is so important?

많은 기업들은 지원자의 학력이나 스펙이나 자격증보다 인-적성 검사를 중요시한다고 보고한다. 시험을 못 보면 자격증이 소용이 없다고 합니다


4. What does 61.2% represent?

61.2%는 취업 시험 위해서 도서관이나 학원에서 공부하는 4학년 대학교 졸업자 비율이라고 한다.

카공족 are students going to cafes to study or prepare for jobs. It has a reasonable amount of noise with freedom to move about as they want. And they can get coffee or food too.

2. They're going to provide support money with monthly payments of about 100k won distributed monthly. The cafe owners welcome it. They think it will help the surrounding area too. It will help with employment.


카페에 가는 학생 이 나 회사를 준비하는 사람이 카공족 이 라고 합니다.

씨끄러지않은 곳이 고 음식 하고 음료수 또 시킬수 있엉ㅅ.

돈을 줄거예요. 10 만 원 정도 카공족을 받을수 있을 거 예 요. 주변이 더 도음을 것 가타아요.



1. The job market at the bottom half of the year is extremely competitive and selective. // 하반기에 취업 시장이 많이 심각합니다.


2. Person A attended a 4 year university, has computer certificates, has experience in extracurriculars, etc. and has been job hunting for over a year. Yet, they still haven't found a job. // 4년제 대학에 다닌 A씨는 컴퓨터 자격증이 있고 대외활동 경험이 있고 1년넘게 취업 준비했다고 했습니다.


3. These tests help applications show their talents, skills, and qualifications to companies to better illustrate their capabilities among other applicants. // 이시험을 잘 보면 더 쉽게 취업할 수 있습니다. 지원자 중에 이 시험을 잘보면 입사할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 하지만 잘 못 보면 모든 자격증이 소용이 없습니다.


4. the 61.2% represents people who are attending 학원 or other academies in order to better increase their scores when it comes to the previously mentioned tests. // 61.2%는 대학을 졸업하고 취업을 위해 학원에 다니는 사람의 숫자예요.



1. 하반기에 job finding is harder because of the amount of people actively looking for jobs.


2. Mr A has been job prepping for a year and has one semester left until graduation. He has computer certificates and more than 30 foreign specialties. However, every company has different preferences. He worked for one company for 5 months before quitting after realizing his monthly salary wouldn't increase by much even if he gained a leadership position


3. The aptitude and personality test determines whether or not the company will consider the applicant. If it doesn't go well with this test, all the scores and certificates are useless


4. 61.2% represents 4-year graduates that went to an academy solely to prepare/ study for the job test.


1. What is the outlook of job market in 하반기 this year?

2. Describe the situation of Mr. A.

3. What is the reason that 인·적성 검사(The aptitude and personality tests) is so important?

4. What does 61.2% represent?



Key words;


경기침체의 직격탄을 맞다 = direct hit by recession

스펙쌓기=build up specs


Note: 백수 (a white hand) is a slang referring to jobless young people. I assume that jobless people have clean hands; that's why it is called 백수.





1. What is 카공족? Why do they prefer a cafe rather than a library?

2. What is the plan of 대구 city for 카공족 ?

3. What is the reaction of cafe owners?


Key words:


취준생 <취업준비생>= college students preparing for a job

TOPIC Introduction


1. What is reported?

2. Who might be interested in this news?