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1. 동료때문에 스트레스를 받아요.

2. People who talk about others, people who can’t control their anger, and lazy coworkers.

3. Avoid the situation, just tolerate it, get annoyed, talk to their boss.

4. They think that stress is a result of work.



1. What is the main cause of stress at work?

비호감 동료 때문에 스트레스를 많이 받아요.


2. Who are the unfavorable coworker? List at least 3 cases.

말을 잘 안 통하는 동료, 다른 사람의 험담을 하는 사람이고 화가 잘 나는 사람이에요.


3. How do they resolve when stressed?



4. What do 95% of respondant think about the correlation of stress and work?



비호감= unfavorable


퇴사= quitting the job


대처방법 - coping method

1. 대부분의 사람들은 동료들 때문에 스트레스를 받았어요.

2. 말이 잘 안 통하는 동료, 분노를 조절하지 못하는 동료, 꼽았고 남의 험담을 하는 동료.

3. 스트레스를 주는 동료나 불편한 상황을 피해요.

4. 동료 때문에 생긴 스트레스가 업무 성과에 영향을 준다고 생각해요


1. What is reported?

2. What is the cause of this trend?

3. What is the benifit of it?

4. What does 72% represent?



오손도손 모이다=


1. What is the main cause of stress at work?

2. Who are the unfavorable coworker? List at least 3 cases.

3. How do they resolve when stressed?

4. What do 95% of respondant think about the correlation of stress and work?





[다큐3일] 여의도 사람들에게 "일"이란? | 조연출 다이어리
U9Ch36 TPA