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-it is a news report on a family with quintuplets, Lee Chong Sop sent a silver necklace as a first birthday gift that relates to the prevention of a missing child and so that they babies will grow up safe and healthy

- it is so special because it is the first in 34 years that quintuplets were born

- the parents had them last year on november 8th at seoul hospital they are captains in the army

Celebrating the first birthday of tiger triplets. They had a cake made of beef and a golden YouTube button prepared on their table.


호랑이 삼둥이 돌작치 기념해.

돌잡이상에서 소고기 개크 와 유툽 금버턴 넣었어요.






Answer the questions in English.


1. What kind of event is held at where?

2. List the items prepared and the one selected from table?


Key words:



멸종위기 =endangered <animals and plants>, crisis of extinction

무럭무럭 자라다=grow up healthy


Answer the following questions in English.


1. What is reported?

2. Why it is so special?

3. Gist information of the parents.


Key words:



미아 방지=prevention of missing/lost child

원목 장난감=wood toy

육아 휴직=maternity/paternity/childcare leave
