48노1909 - 남의 사유지 도로처럼 사용하는 또라이

There is a new varient that has been reported asnd they are calling it Covid Blue. Its a new world wide varient.
33 percent.
After post covid they were getting ready to get back to normal but it seems that necesarily be the case.
the symtoms are 2 times worse than they are with normal covid 19
Since 2019 the cases keep increasing.

Answer the following questions in English.
1. What is reported? What is the definition of long covid?
2. What are the symptoms?
3. What suggestions are provided in order to cope with it <영국과 호주>?
Key words;
산모=mother who just had a baby
고립감=feeling isolated
악화되다=to become worse
유병율=prevalence rate, rate of developing a disease
영향을 미치다= to impact