1. What is reported in the newspaper in New Zealand?
In new zealand at a parking lot 3 korean women were found dead in a car
2. Describe briefly the life of 3 Korean family members.
They were there together living the life for Studying abroad for the children.
it was the mother in her 40s and 2 girls in their 10s
3. Why do you think the family did what they did?
Because they were financially struggling and thats when the severe life.
4. What did the father do?
He went to go visit the funeral and thats when they discovered he was dead
Listening 3
1. What does 15조원 indicate?
The cost for tuition for students for english schools.
2. How is Korea described out of 12 countries in Asia?
its the biggest country that has the least skill in english
3. Can you guess the implication of 조류독감
When the goose dads live alone and get sad and get a cold.