I learned how it connects with history.
The connections I discovered lead me by why napolean was bad.
I learned how it connects with history.
The connections I discovered lead me by why napolean was bad.
Conner St Clair
i learned that they were unfair to snowball because when Napolean said the windmill was a bad idea he kicked him out and went along with the windmill without him saying he was a bad person
when you reread somethig you might find many things you didnt before
i learned that when you look hard enough you see many conections
After reading Animal Farm, I learned that during the Russian revolution of 1917, power was gained through corruption and propaganda.
Jenna C.
I learned about how you can't always please someone no matter how hard you try. Like the animals in Animal Farm trying to please Napoleon but Napoleon just always wanted more from them and expected more and more of them every time.
I learned more about how all the things in the story all come together and connect.It helped me understand the story more and see why the animals revolted against it Carter Henry
I learned from animal farm that once you connect different subjects and topics you can get a much deeper meaning to the story and text. The story started with the pigs keeping the mash for themselves then lead up to only pigs ruling the farm with Napoleon being the only candidate on the presidential ballot and eventually leading to changing all the commandments to get their way.
I learned that no matter how hard anyone would try to please napoleon, they could never do it. Also that everyone wanted a bit of power but no one ever received it.
Karter Fletcher
I understood a deeper meaning and understand more of what the Russian Revolution was like as well. It is sad to know they are people who had to do deal with a ruler like Napoleon/Stalin.
Andrew C.
I learned that there is many connects from the animal to the main events in the story.
it gave me a better understanding on the little things of the story.
it helped me get to know that a lot of things have connections with other important parts of the story.
Amos Augustine,
I learned that Napoleon and Old Major are extremely important because a lot of the things they did created a lot of other things within the story.
I learned that you can connect most of the characters to another. Also you can connect other important things such as power to some characters.
Luke Walden
I learned that Napoleon had a lot to do with all of the connections and he had all the power.
It made me understand that it was probably Napoleons plan from the beginning to have all the power on the Animal Farm.
Rylan Iverson
What i learned form this is that they were very unfair to snowball because napoleon said that the windmill was a bad idea Then when snowball got kicked out Napoleon said he came up with the idea of a windmill.
I learned about animal farm through the hexagons by seeing which one connected each other.
Jackson P. Hinton
I learned in the book that everyone wanted power whether it be Napolean gaining power or Jones taking back power.
It made me understand that from the beginning all they wanted was power. power over Jones to be free and then power over the animals.
I learned that quotes and names can connect a lot within a story.
I learned that there are alot more connections about the characters and the quotes mean alot.
I learned that the text connects in many ways and the text was much deeper than I imagined, the text was connecting things from the very beginning of chapter 1. One connection i did not realize from the beginning was when the pigs got the milk this connects to power and corruption.
The quotes made me think more about the story and helped me understand the story more
Koryne Gantt
The connections gave me a deeper thought on Animal Farm by showing me that quotes could not just connect to one person. It also made me think more about how Napoleon affected the future for the animals. I never actually learned fully about the Russian revolution. Now that I have learned about the horrible things Stalin did makes me sad to think about what those poor people went through.
i learned more about the subject and the things that connected
It showed me a better idea of how the quotes connect to the story.It made me think more about how Nepolian affected the farm and the animals future.
I learned more about the theme and how to find what the theme is. It leads me to think about how they connect.
Peter Gravert
I learned about how actually corrupted the animal farm actually is.
I understand how it turned to a dictatorship.
I learned that there are a lot more connections than I thought. I under stand more how much Napoleon wanted power and lived off of it.