This activity helped me see the similarities in different concepts in Animal Farm.

This activity helped me see connections in certain characters and a lot of symbolism.

This activity helped me understand how to make connections more in depth.
Faith H. P3

This activity helped me understand how the differences in Animal Farm affect the story line. The story starts to move towards the power of the pigs and take over all of Animal Farm. In class, we talked about the connections that we found when reading in the story.
Bode Coleman P3

I learned more about animal farm from the hexagon activity because it helped me with connections between the characters quotes and events that happened in the book. It helped me understand more about the novel because now I know how everything in the book goes together now. I liked discussing with my peers because I heard their in-site on connections in the book and heard them from a different perspective.

For this activity I made strong connections about the different characters and phrases from Animal Farm. The discussions with my peers made me understand the connections more. They helped me understand certain stuff in different ways.
Reese Trujillo p.3

This activity helped me understand the book better because we used connections to relate everything to each other.
-Chase Barker

This activity helped me to understand connections better and understand the book better by using connections.

This activity helped me understand the storyline and connections in, “Animal Farm”
Marci McConnaughey P3

This activity help me understand that many characters and events are connected. Even though some may seem strange, they are all a like in some way.
Mary Ann P.3

This activity helped me learn that every event/character in "Animal Farm" is connected to another event/character in the story. The discussions with my peers further expanded my thinking about the connections and helped me make stronger connections. The connections helped me lead new insights to the social class being apart of propaganda.

The hexagon activity helped me understand how characters relate to many different things in the book. Like how Boxer greatly relates to the windmill because he found a purpose working on it and helping animal farm, but it also cost him his life when he died because of the hard work. This project overall helped me go deeper, and understand the characters and objects in this book very clearly.
Grace Schmidtbauer p3

The activity helped me understand the connections because it gave me topics to connect to each other and that helped me understand the characters more.

I learned many things from this project. For example there are many themes in this book. also, Many of the quotes match up with each other. An example of this is that Napoleon relates to tyranny and corruption.
Katie Fernandez P3

Through this activity I learned how many connections the characters in Animal Farm had to one another. It helped me find connections that aren't noticeable except if you take a closer look. By looking at the connections, they helped me gain insight to the reasoning behind some of the characters actions. The discussion challenged my thinking by bringing a different point of view to my thinking.

This activity helped me understand that almost every event and/or character in "Animal Farm" can be connected one way or another if you think outside of the box
Kain Leary P3

The Animal Farm hexagon activity helped me to recognize the different connections throughout the story. The connections that I made I never would have thought of if it didn't make me. The activity also helped me understand that every event in the novel is linked one way or another. When my peers added their thoughts onto mine, I noticed that the characters are distinctly representing certain characters through their actions. For example, Squealer represents the press and through the connections, I saw that he was directly related to propaganda. In conclusion, the Animal Farm activity made me think harder and more deeply of the text along with trying to find what each character symbolizes.

This activity helped me under stand animal farm a bit better
because it basically conected the dot and the characters all together.
Ryli Swann P3

The hexagon activity helped me interpret and analyze the story more. I was able to learn all the connections between the different themes and helped me learn more about the characters. It also brought in a deeper meaning in the text and it helped me to know certain elements and how they relate to other elements, and/or characters.
Briar Holbrook P3

The activity helped me understand that almost every event in Animal Farm is connected, whether it was a theme or character, every category collided and made sense.
Primo Castro p3

I learned just how much symbolism is packed into this book and how hypercritical the Russian revolution truly was. By finding connections between various parts of the novel, I was able to see the power-hungry cycle found in the world and by talking to my peers, I was able to practice explaining myself better.

I learned many things from this hexagon activity. I learned more about Napoleons corrupted plans and actions. The connections I made led to me finding out more about different characters and what they do and represent. The discussion led to me finding out more about Napoleons motives, and it challenged me to think more about the questions.
Rory Weekly p3

From this activity i learned about the specific strong connections i can make with different people and words from animal farm. This activity also made me see the connections and see certain events in different ways. The disscusion with my pears also gave me different views and understands of the events that happened
ella mcpherson p3

This activity was very beneficial. The hexagon activity really helped me fully understand the story. I was able to make connections that I otherwise would have not thought of. It really helped me have a further and deeper understanding of the book. I was able to discover many themes and see how they evolved throughout the story. This activity helped me understand how old major and napolean impacted the whole story and theme. My favorite theme in the story is that power always corrupts. This related to the revolution and napolean and many more. This activity really helped challenge my thinking, and it gave me a more detailed understanding of the book.